Flexible data access in a cloud based on freshness requirements

LC Voicu, H Schuldt, Y Breitbart… - 2010 IEEE 3rd …, 2010 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Data clouds are newly emerging environments in which commercial providers manage large
volumes of data with individual quality of service (QoS) guarantees per customer. These
guarantees mainly include keeping several replicas of each data item in different distributed
data centers for availability purposes. However, as the cost of maintaining several
updateable replicas per data object is very high, cloud providers rather offer only a limited
number of synchronously updated replicas (ie, replicas that are always up-to-date) together …

[PDF][PDF] Flexible Data Access in a Cloud based on Freshness Requirements

H Schuldt, HJ Schek, ETH Zurich - cs.uwaterloo.ca
Data clouds are newly emerging environments in which commercial providers manage large
volumes of data with individual quality of service (QoS) guarantees per customer. These
guarantees mainly include keeping several replicas of each data item in different distributed
data centers for availability purposes. However, as the cost of maintaining several
updateable replicas per data object is very high, cloud providers rather offer only a limited
number of synchronously updated replicas (ie, replicas that are always up-to-date) together …
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