On large induced trees and long induced paths in sparse random graphs

WCS Suen - Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B, 1992 - Elsevier
induced trees in a graph. By analyzing how FindTree performs in Gn,p, we obtain the following
results. Let T,, be the order of the largest induced … length of the longest induced path in Gn,…

Maximal induced trees in sparse random graphs

T Łuczak, Z Palka - Annals of Discrete Mathematics, 1988 - Elsevier
… A tree that is not properly contained in any larger tree is called a maximal tree. Since we
deal here only with induced trees therefore the word 'induced' will be very often omitted. The …

The largest induced tree in a sparse random graph

WF de la Vega - Random Structures & Algorithms, 1996 - Wiley Online Library
… the random graph G(n, p ) on n vertices with edge probability p = c/n contains almost always
an induced tree … the independence number of a sparse random graph. 0 1996 John Wiley & …

Large induced trees in sparse random graphs

AM Frieze, B Jackson - Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B, 1987 - Elsevier
… We consider the size of the largest induced tree in random graphs, random regular graphs
and random regular … 1 -o(l), such graphs have induced trees of size order n. In particular, …

Induced trees in sparse random graphs

WF de la Vega - Graphs and Combinatorics, 1986 - Springer
… The problem of the maximum order of an induced tree in a random graph with constant
edge probability was settled by Erd6s and Palka [2] and, independently, by Marchetti-Spaccamela …

[PDF][PDF] Embedding induced trees in sparse expanding graphs

A Girão, E Hurley - arXiv preprint arXiv:2406.04260, 2024 - arxiv.org
… and Pippenger to the induced setting. As corollaries we obtain that … sparse random graph
contains all bounded degree trees of linear order (whp) and that the induced and size induced

Note on induced paths in sparse random graphs

S Glock - arXiv preprint arXiv:2102.09289, 2021 - arxiv.org
… of determining the size of a largest induced tree in sparse random graphs, when p = d/n for
… (d) > 0 such that whp G(n, p) contains an induced tree of order at least c(d) · n. This problem …

Large induced trees in dense random graphs

N Draganić - arXiv preprint arXiv:2004.02800, 2020 - arxiv.org
… The problem of existence of large induced trees in random graphs was first studied by of
Erdős and Palka [5]. For a given graph G, with T(G) we denote the size of a largest induced

On tree census and the giant component in sparse random graphs

B Pittel - Random Structures & Algorithms, 1990 - Wiley Online Library
tree sequence of the random graph. Our goal is to study the distribution of t, for a sparse
random … For each model of the random graph, Y( G ) induces a random variable Y. Denote by E,(…

[PDF][PDF] Statistical mechanics and algorithms on sparse and random graphs

A Montanari - Lectures on Probability Theory and Statistics. Saint …, 2013 - stanford.edu
… The second is the Erdös-Renyi random graph model, with … random graphs converge
locally to a rather simple tree model… of unlabeled graphs), we use the topology induced by the …