WJ Clancey - 2016 - stacks.stanford.edu
… ways of seeing, acting, and speaking that are not known explicitly—the primary
neuropsychological processes of categorizing and ordering our experience conceptually (Clancey, …

[BOOK][B] " The handling of bodies of alien men": Ideology, literacy, and the production of engineering subjectivity from the Michigan Mining School to Michigan …

S Clancey - 1998 - search.proquest.com
… To my parents, James Persons Clancey and Barbara Stakel Clancey, who did not live to
see this acknowledgment, but are nonetheless present in my heart as I write it. …

Invited speaker: Bill Clancey

J Sandberg - AI Communications, 1991 - content.iospress.com
… On October 18th Bill Clancey gave a talk at the DELTA-conference held in The Hague (The …
invite our readers to react to the ideas presented. Of course the presentation Clancey gave …

[BOOK][B] Contemplating minds: A forum for artificial intelligence

WJ Clancey, SW Smoliar, M Stefik - 1994 - books.google.com
… Funding for preparing this collection has been provided in part for Bill Clancey at the
Institute for Research on Learning by the Xerox Foundation; the NSF Information, Robotics and …

FLAIRS 2002 Conference Report

R Sooriamurthi, T Reichherzer - AI Magazine, 2002 - ojs.aaai.org
… Based on this experience, Clancey discussed extensions to his prior research with BRAHMS
(a simulation program for modeling work practices and generating work-flow diagrams) in …

A report on the 13th IEEE international conference on automated software engineering in Honolulu

C Welty - ACM SIGART Bulletin, 1998 - dl.acm.org
… The conference began with a keynote address by Bill Clancey of NASA Ames. Bill talked …
for this critical area of research, the three invited speakers more than made up for this, and …

Clancey on situated cognition: Throw out the baby, but keep the bathwater

P Swann - Ai Communications, 1991 - content.iospress.com
… we published an excerpt of the invited talk of Bill Clancey at the DELTA-conference in The …
You will find Clancey's reply on p. 108. Clancey gave a stimulating and lively talk at the Delta …

The prehistory of the learning sciences

RD Pea - Reflections on the learning sciences, 2016 - cambridge.org
This chapter describes the prehistory of the learning sciences (LS). My purpose is to provide
a historical foundation to the field that will enable readers to recognize, understand, and …

2003 AAAI Spring Symposium Series

A Abecker, EK Antonsson, CB Callaway, V Dignum… - AI Magazine, 2003 - ojs.aaai.org
Bill Clancey of NASA Ames and the Institute for Human and Machine Cognition gently
chided the organizers in an invited talk by suggesting the title of the symposium should more …

The acquisition of a speaker by a story: How history becomes memory and identity

C Linde - Ethos, 2000 - Wiley Online Library
This paper investigates narrative induction as one central means by which institutions
acquire new members, and new members acquire a new identity. Narrative induction is the …