[HTML][HTML] Machine learning–based prediction models for different clinical risks in different hospitals: evaluation of live performance

…, DM Roccaro-Waldmeyer, J Stieg… - Journal of Medical …, 2022 - jmir.org
Background Machine learning algorithms are currently used in a wide array of clinical domains
to produce models that can predict clinical risk events. Most models are developed and …

[HTML][HTML] Evaluating gender bias in ML-based clinical risk prediction models: A study on multiple use cases at different hospitals

…, K Depraetere, R Szymanowsky, J Stieg… - Journal of Biomedical …, 2024 - Elsevier
Background An inherent difference exists between male and female bodies, the historical
under-representation of females in clinical trials widened this gap in existing healthcare data. …

A tourism information system for rural areas based on a multi platform concept

A Almer, T Schnabel, H Stelzl, J Stieg… - Web and Wireless …, 2006 - Springer
Tourism information is predominantly based on geographically related information and
therefore, the tourism and leisure industries are currently searching for ways how to explore the …

[HTML][HTML] Longitudinal Model Shifts of Machine Learning–Based Clinical Risk Prediction Models: Evaluation Study of Multiple Use Cases Across Different Hospitals

…, L Meesseman, K Depraetere, J Stieg… - Journal of Medical …, 2024 - jmir.org
Background In recent years, machine learning (ML)–based models have been widely used
in clinical domains to predict clinical risk events. However, in production, the performances of …

Plausibility of individual decisions from Random Forests in clinical predictive modelling applications

D Hayn, H Walch, J Stieg, K Kreiner… - Health Informatics …, 2017 - ebooks.iospress.nl
Background: Machine learning algorithms are a promising approach to help physicians to
deal with the ever increasing amount of data collected in healthcare each day. However, …

Prediction of Readmissions in the German DRG System Based on § 21 Datasets

A Eggerth, D Hayn, S Veeranki, J Stieg… - German Medical Data …, 2018 - ebooks.iospress.nl
Hospital readmissions receive increasing interest, since they are burdensome for patients
and costly for healthcare providers. For the calculation of reimbursement fees, in Germany …

Evaluating gender bias in ML-based clinical risk prediction models:: A study on multiple use cases at different hospitals

…, K Depraetere, R Szymanowsky, J Stieg… - 2024 - dl.acm.org
Background An inherent difference exists between male and female bodies, the historical
under-representation of females in clinical trials widened this gap in existing healthcare data. …

Utilising Information of the Case Fee Catalogue to Enhance 30-Day Readmission Prediction in the German DRG System

A Eggerth, D Hayn, S Veeranki, J Stieg… - … Support Systems and …, 2018 - ebooks.iospress.nl
Unplanned hospital readmissions are a burden to the healthcare system and to the patients.
To lower the readmission rates, machine learning approaches can be used to create …

Rilkes Kritik an Maurice Betz'Übersetzung der" Aufzeichnungen des Malte Laurids Brigge"

G Stieg - … hrsg. von Erich Unglaub und Jörg …, 2010 - publikationen.ub.uni-frankfurt.de
In den folgenden Überlegungen geht es hauptsächlich um ein unpubliziertes Konvolut
Rilkes von 26 Seiten mit dem Titel "Remarques à la suite de la traduction des 'Cahiers de ML …

[BOOK][B] Energieeffiziente Fabriken planen und betreiben

J Engelmann, E Müller, T Löffler, S Jörg - 2012 - books.google.com
Jörg Engelmann entstand aus dieser Zusammenarbeit die bereits zum wiederholten Male
durchgeführte Fachtagung,,Die Energieeffiziente Fabrik in der Automobil-Industrie“. Die …