Logic, optimization, and constraint programming

JN Hooker - INFORMS Journal on Computing, 2002 - pubsonline.informs.org
… evolution of logic programming to constraint logic programming and … logic on which logic
programming is based, which was later generalized to encompass constraint logic programming

Logic and logic programming

JA Robinson - Communications of the ACM, 1992 - dl.acm.org
… Later, in [41], I formulated a more efficient version of the algorithm, using a tabular … This
tabular representation [41] is also the point of departure for [2]. Herbrand's original (1930) version …

[PDF][PDF] Logic programming cum applicative programming

N Dershowitz, DA Plaisted - SLP, 1985 - cs.tau.ac.il
… In previous researeh [Dershowitz-84]' we have investigated the use of unconditional rewrite
systems for logic programming. A rewrite system (see [HuetOpprn-80]) is a set of directed …

[PDF][PDF] Logic programming

RA Kowalski, CJ Hogger - Encyclopedia of Artificial Intelligence, 1982 - Citeseer
… simple syntax of logic programs are profound issues concerning semantics, proof theory and
knowledge representation. For example, what does it mean for a logic program P to solve a …

A logic programming system for nonmonotonic reasoning

JJ Alferes, CV Damasio, LM Pereira - Journal of Automated Reasoning, 1995 - Springer
… Apart from these additional problems, we mainly follow the ideas of SLDNF [ 15, 41]
where refutations are derivations ending with the empty goal, derivations are constructed via …

{log}: A language for programming in logic with finite sets

A Dovier, EG Omodeo, E Pontelli, G Rossi - … Journal of logic programming, 1996 - Elsevier
… Miranda [53] and ME TOO [41]. More recently, increasing attention has been devoted to
embedding sets into logic programming languages. Indeed such languages seem to be good …

Computing argumentation in logic programming

KC Kakas, F Toni - Journal of Logic and Computation, 1999 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
… In the argumentation-based approach to the semantics of LP, a logic program P is seen as
a theory in a background monotonic logic (the logic of Horn clauses) that can be extended by …

The impact of logic programming on databases

J Grant, J Minker - Communications of the ACM, 1992 - dl.acm.org
… of logic programming was proposed and then implemented in the language Prolog. Also, the
foundations of logic programming … Their major results concern definite logic programs and …

Abstract interpretation and application to logic programs

P Cousot, R Cousot - The Journal of Logic Programming, 1992 - Elsevier
… We show that this classical formal framework can be applied in extenso to logic programs.
For … up with a short thematic guide to the literature on abstract interpretation of logic programs. …

Hierarchical constraint logic programming

M Wilson, A Borning - The Journal of Logic Programming, 1993 - Elsevier
… However, because we have the full power of logic programming available, we can do
considerably more. For example, filters are a powerful metaphor for the declarative construction of …