Logic, optimization, and constraint programming
JN Hooker - INFORMS Journal on Computing, 2002 - pubsonline.informs.org
… evolution of logic programming to constraint logic programming and … logic on which logic
programming is based, which was later generalized to encompass constraint logic programming…
programming is based, which was later generalized to encompass constraint logic programming…
Logic and logic programming
JA Robinson - Communications of the ACM, 1992 - dl.acm.org
… Later, in [41], I formulated a more efficient version of the algorithm, using a tabular … This
tabular representation [41] is also the point of departure for [2]. Herbrand's original (1930) version …
tabular representation [41] is also the point of departure for [2]. Herbrand's original (1930) version …
[PDF][PDF] Logic programming cum applicative programming
N Dershowitz, DA Plaisted - SLP, 1985 - cs.tau.ac.il
… In previous researeh [Dershowitz-84]' we have investigated the use of unconditional rewrite
systems for logic programming. A rewrite system (see [HuetOpprn-80]) is a set of directed …
systems for logic programming. A rewrite system (see [HuetOpprn-80]) is a set of directed …
[PDF][PDF] Logic programming
RA Kowalski, CJ Hogger - Encyclopedia of Artificial Intelligence, 1982 - Citeseer
… simple syntax of logic programs are profound issues concerning semantics, proof theory and
knowledge representation. For example, what does it mean for a logic program P to solve a …
knowledge representation. For example, what does it mean for a logic program P to solve a …
A logic programming system for nonmonotonic reasoning
… Apart from these additional problems, we mainly follow the ideas of SLDNF [ 15, 41]
where refutations are derivations ending with the empty goal, derivations are constructed via …
where refutations are derivations ending with the empty goal, derivations are constructed via …
{log}: A language for programming in logic with finite sets
… Miranda [53] and ME TOO [41]. More recently, increasing attention has been devoted to
embedding sets into logic programming languages. Indeed such languages seem to be good …
embedding sets into logic programming languages. Indeed such languages seem to be good …
Computing argumentation in logic programming
KC Kakas, F Toni - Journal of Logic and Computation, 1999 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
… In the argumentation-based approach to the semantics of LP, a logic program P is seen as
a theory in a background monotonic logic (the logic of Horn clauses) that can be extended by …
a theory in a background monotonic logic (the logic of Horn clauses) that can be extended by …
The impact of logic programming on databases
J Grant, J Minker - Communications of the ACM, 1992 - dl.acm.org
… of logic programming was proposed and then implemented in the language Prolog. Also, the
foundations of logic programming … Their major results concern definite logic programs and …
foundations of logic programming … Their major results concern definite logic programs and …
Abstract interpretation and application to logic programs
P Cousot, R Cousot - The Journal of Logic Programming, 1992 - Elsevier
… We show that this classical formal framework can be applied in extenso to logic programs.
For … up with a short thematic guide to the literature on abstract interpretation of logic programs. …
For … up with a short thematic guide to the literature on abstract interpretation of logic programs. …
Hierarchical constraint logic programming
M Wilson, A Borning - The Journal of Logic Programming, 1993 - Elsevier
… However, because we have the full power of logic programming available, we can do
considerably more. For example, filters are a powerful metaphor for the declarative construction of …
considerably more. For example, filters are a powerful metaphor for the declarative construction of …
Related searches
- constraint logic programming
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- defeasible logic programming
- logic programming language
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- logic programming with sets
- logic programming methodology
- higher order logic programming
- linear logic programming
- normal disjunctive logic programs
- logic programming with strong negation
- semantics of logic programming
- foundation for logic programming
- extended logic programming
- logic programming paradigm
- logic programming system