Label smoothing technique for ordinal classification in cloud assessment

Y Wei, Q Liu, G Zhang, Y Peng… - IGARSS 2020-2020 IEEE …, 2020 -
Y Wei, Q Liu, G Zhang, Y Peng, C Shen
IGARSS 2020-2020 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing …,
Satellite image classification is a challenging task if the input labels are not sufficiently
accurate. The automatic cloud cover assessment (ACCA), for example, aims to classify the
cloud covers of satellite images as alphabetical categories from A to E showing the
escalating levels of clouds; however, those labels for training are often obtained by a
subjective qualitative assessment, ie, they may be not accurate. Therefore, this paper
studies how to conduct ACCA under this circumstance. We propose a label smoothing …
Satellite image classification is a challenging task if the input labels are not sufficiently accurate. The automatic cloud cover assessment (ACCA), for example, aims to classify the cloud covers of satellite images as alphabetical categories from A to E showing the escalating levels of clouds; however, those labels for training are often obtained by a subjective qualitative assessment, i.e., they may be not accurate. Therefore, this paper studies how to conduct ACCA under this circumstance. We propose a label smoothing approach and improve the accuracy around 3 percentage points (e.g., from 75.9% to 78.4% for ResNet network) without changing other network structures and parameters.
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