MCMC for Bayesian uncertainty quantification from time-series data

P Maybank, P Peltzer, U Naumann, I Bojak - Computational Science–ICCS …, 2020 - Springer
Computational Science–ICCS 2020: 20th International Conference, Amsterdam, The …, 2020Springer
Abstract In computational neuroscience, Neural Population Models (NPMs) are mechanistic
models that describe brain physiology in a range of different states. Within computational
neuroscience there is growing interest in the inverse problem of inferring NPM parameters
from recordings such as the EEG (Electroencephalogram). Uncertainty quantification is
essential in this application area in order to infer the mechanistic effect of interventions such
as anaesthesia. This paper presents software for Bayesian uncertainty quantification in the …
In computational neuroscience, Neural Population Models (NPMs) are mechanistic models that describe brain physiology in a range of different states. Within computational neuroscience there is growing interest in the inverse problem of inferring NPM parameters from recordings such as the EEG (Electroencephalogram). Uncertainty quantification is essential in this application area in order to infer the mechanistic effect of interventions such as anaesthesia.
This paper presents software for Bayesian uncertainty quantification in the parameters of NPMs from approximately stationary data using Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC). Modern MCMC methods require first order (and in some cases higher order) derivatives of the posterior density. The software presented offers two distinct methods of evaluating derivatives: finite differences and exact derivatives obtained through Algorithmic Differentiation (AD). For AD, two different implementations are used: the open source Stan Math Library and the commercially licenced tool distributed by NAG (Numerical Algorithms Group). The use of derivative information in MCMC sampling is demonstrated through a simple example, the noise-driven harmonic oscillator. And different methods for computing derivatives are compared. The software is written in a modular object-oriented way such that it can be extended to derivative based MCMC for other scientific domains.
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