Network virtualization: proof of concept for remote management of multi-tenant infrastructure
S Ugwuanyi, R Asif, J Irvine - … in Sensor, Cloud and Big Data …, 2020 -
S Ugwuanyi, R Asif, J Irvine
2020 IEEE 6th International Conference on Dependability in Sensor …, 2020•, container and cloud-based orchestration technologies are important requirements
for data and functional integration of new control and automation services in distributed
networks. The industrial adoption of Docker Swarm and Kubernetes based orchestrators are
due to their abilities to support large-scale deployment, reduce capital cost, enable
interoperability, introduce flexibility, minimize vendor lock-in and identify scalable means of
deploying new functions with minimal performance and monitoring related issues. In this …
for data and functional integration of new control and automation services in distributed
networks. The industrial adoption of Docker Swarm and Kubernetes based orchestrators are
due to their abilities to support large-scale deployment, reduce capital cost, enable
interoperability, introduce flexibility, minimize vendor lock-in and identify scalable means of
deploying new functions with minimal performance and monitoring related issues. In this …
Recently, container and cloud-based orchestration technologies are important requirements for data and functional integration of new control and automation services in distributed networks. The industrial adoption of Docker Swarm and Kubernetes based orchestrators are due to their abilities to support large-scale deployment, reduce capital cost, enable interoperability, introduce flexibility, minimize vendor lock-in and identify scalable means of deploying new functions with minimal performance and monitoring related issues. In this study, we performed a comprehensive study of the requirements and strategies in a Containerized Docker Swarm Orchestration Framework (CDSOF) as an efficient, cost-effective, secure and resilience device management tool for remote administration, configuration and supervision of virtualized large-scale Ethernet connected multi-tenanted assets. In a performance and security comparative analysis to Kubernetes and Apache Mesos, Docker Swarm is the leading solution with support features for overlay networks such as Flannel and Weave. Finally, we established the design and test specifications to guide our substation Virtual Remote Terminal Units (vRTUs) implementation.
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