On the 10th anniversary of ACM's Digital Library

JR White - Communications of the ACM, 2008 - dl.acm.org
JR White
Communications of the ACM, 2008dl.acm.org
ACM's Digital Library proved a success from the outset. The decision to make the metadata
for ACM's digital collection freely available (with subscriptions only required for downloading
full text) allowed the computing community worldwide to use and benefit from the Digital
Library regardless of their relationship with ACM. That decision, combined with extremely
affordable pricing for individuals and institutions to access the full text of ACM articles, set
the stage for early, enthusiastic engagement of the Digital Library.
ACM’s Digital Library proved a success from the outset. The decision to make the metadata for ACM’s digital collection freely available (with subscriptions only required for downloading full text) allowed the computing community worldwide to use and benefit from the Digital Library regardless of their relationship with ACM. That decision, combined with extremely affordable pricing for individuals and institutions to access the full text of ACM articles, set the stage for early, enthusiastic engagement of the Digital Library.
ACM Digital Library
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