On the structure of protocols for magic state distillation

ET Campbell, DE Browne - Workshop on Quantum Computation …, 2009 - Springer
Workshop on Quantum Computation, Communication, and Cryptography, 2009Springer
We present a theorem that shows that all useful protocols for magic state distillation output
states with a fidelity that is upper-bounded by those generated by a much smaller class of
protocols. This reduced class consists of the protocols where multiple copies of a state are
projected onto a stabilizer codespace and the logical qubit is then decoded.
We present a theorem that shows that all useful protocols for magic state distillation output states with a fidelity that is upper-bounded by those generated by a much smaller class of protocols. This reduced class consists of the protocols where multiple copies of a state are projected onto a stabilizer codespace and the logical qubit is then decoded.
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