Ordered and unordered algorithms for parallel breadth first search

MA Hassaan, M Burtscher, K Pingali - Proceedings of the 19th …, 2010 - dl.acm.org
Proceedings of the 19th international conference on Parallel architectures …, 2010dl.acm.org
We describe and evaluate ordered and unordered algorithms for shared-memory parallel
breadth-first search. The unordered algorithm is based on viewing breadth-first search as a
fixpoint computation, and in general, it may perform more work than the ordered algorithms
while requiring less global synchronization.
We describe and evaluate ordered and unordered algorithms for shared-memory parallel breadth-first search. The unordered algorithm is based on viewing breadth-first search as a fixpoint computation, and in general, it may perform more work than the ordered algorithms while requiring less global synchronization.
ACM Digital Library
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