Radargrammetry of opposite-side stereo Magellan synthetic aperture radar on Venus

H Lee, JV Morgan, MR Warner - IGARSS 2003. 2003 IEEE …, 2003 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
IGARSS 2003. 2003 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing …, 2003ieeexplore.ieee.org
Radargrammetry of opposite-side stereo SAR is demonstrated using Magellan SAR images
of Venus. Large areas of gentle slope can be successfully matched to generate DEM using
conventional stereo-match algorithm while high to moderate relief regions need further
treatment using shape-from-shading. The initial stereo-match points are classified into three
categories; GOOD, BAD, and TOPO, and different methods are applied to different regions to
iteratively improve DEM.
Radargrammetry of opposite-side stereo SAR is demonstrated using Magellan SAR images of Venus. Large areas of gentle slope can be successfully matched to generate DEM using conventional stereo-match algorithm while high to moderate relief regions need further treatment using shape-from-shading. The initial stereo-match points are classified into three categories; GOOD, BAD, and TOPO, and different methods are applied to different regions to iteratively improve DEM.
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