Routing problems on the mesh of buses
K Iwama, E Miyano, Y Kambayashi - Journal of Algorithms, 1996 - Elsevier
The mesh of buses (MBUSs) is a parallel computation model which consists ofn×
nprocessors, nrow buses, andncolumn buses, but no local connections between
neighboring processors. Annlower bound for the permutation routing on this model is
shown. The proof does not depend on common predetermined assumptions such as “if a
packet has to move horizontally then it has to ride on a horizontal bus at least once.” As for
upper bounds, a 1.5 nalgorithm is shown.
nprocessors, nrow buses, andncolumn buses, but no local connections between
neighboring processors. Annlower bound for the permutation routing on this model is
shown. The proof does not depend on common predetermined assumptions such as “if a
packet has to move horizontally then it has to ride on a horizontal bus at least once.” As for
upper bounds, a 1.5 nalgorithm is shown.
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