[HTML][HTML] Star-critical Ramsey numbers

J Hook, G Isaak - Discrete Applied Mathematics, 2011 - Elsevier
… We find the star-critical Ramsey number for trees versus complete graphs, multiple copies of
… for the Ramsey numbers corresponding to the above star-critical Ramsey numbers except …

[HTML][HTML] Some star-critical Ramsey numbers

Z Li, Y Li - Discrete Applied Mathematics, 2015 - Elsevier
… and use this to find the star-critical Ramsey number. The remaining content is devoted to the
… , K 3 ) and it is a key lemma to find the star-critical Ramsey number r ∗ ( F n , K 3 ) . In order …

[BOOK][B] The classification of critical graphs and star-critical Ramsey numbers

J Hook - 2010 - search.proquest.com
star-critical Ramsey numbers, we have also classified the critical graphs for various graph
Ramsey numbers. … In order to determine the star-critical Ramsey number r∗(nK2, mK2), we will …

[PDF][PDF] Critical Graphs for R(Pn, Pm) and the Star-Critical Ramsey Number for Paths

J Hook - Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory, 2015 - bibliotekanauki.pl
… Other classifications of critical graphs and star-critical Ramsey numbers including trees versus
… cycles versus K3 and K4 have been found as well as their star-critical Ramsey numbers. …

[HTML][HTML] Star-critical Ramsey number of Fn versus K4

S Haghi, HR Maimani, A Seify - Discrete Applied Mathematics, 2017 - Elsevier
… The Ramsey number of G and H denoted by r ( G , H ) is the smallest positive integer r such
that … for the Ramsey number of F n versus K 3 and the Ramsey number of F n versus K 4 . …

Star-critical Ramsey numbers involving large books

Y Li, Y Li - Discrete Applied Mathematics, 2023 - Elsevier
… The Ramsey number R ( G , H ) is the smallest positive integer r … If F is restricted to be a
star, the star-critical Ramsey number … The star-critical Ramsey numbers involving books have …

[HTML][HTML] On star-critical and upper size Ramsey numbers

Y Zhang, H Broersma, Y Chen - Discrete Applied Mathematics, 2016 - Elsevier
… size Ramsey number u ( G 1 , G 2 ) , defined by Erdős and Faudree, as well as the star-critical
Ramsey number … We see that the Ramsey number R ( G 1 , G 2 ) is the smallest number of …

Star-critical Ramsey numbers involving graphs with long suspended paths

Y Wang, Y Li, Y Li - Discrete Mathematics, 2021 - Elsevier
Ramsey numbers such as the complete-critical Ramsey number, the matching-critical Ramsey
number and the path-critical Ramsey number, which are associated with different deleted …

[BOOK][B] Star-critical Ramsey numbers for graphs

MR Budden - 2023 - Springer
… state-of-knowledge on starcritical Ramsey numbers and their … [3] on star-critical Ramsey
numbers appears in this book. … star-critical Ramsey numbers and deleted edge numbers and …

[HTML][HTML] Wheel and star-critical Ramsey numbers for quadrilateral

Y Wu, Y Sun, SP Radziszowski - Discrete Applied Mathematics, 2015 - Elsevier
The star-critical Ramsey number r ∗ ( H 1 , H 2 ) is the smallest integer k such that every red/blue
coloring of the edges of K n − K 1 , n − k − 1 contains either a red copy of H 1 or a blue …