[PDF][PDF] Computational geometry column 42

JSB Mitchell, J O'Rourke - arXiv preprint cs/0108021, 2001 - arxiv.org
The computational geometry community has made many advances in the relatively short (quarter-century)
of the … We gather here a list of open problems in computational geometry (and …

Computational geometry column 62

J Cardinal - ACM SIGACT News, 2015 - dl.acm.org
… this column, we consider the cases in which those geometric realizability problems are actually
equivalent to the … We outline the foundations of those results, including a brief overview of …

[PDF][PDF] The computational geometry column# 4

J O'Rourke - ACM SIGGRAPH Computer Graphics, 1988 - dl.acm.org
the GK S input model is poorly suited to the needs of a windowin g environment. I believe,
however, that the GKS input mode l as defined in theThe original GKS input referenc e model …

Computational geometry column 67

B Banyassady, M Korman, W Mulzer - ACM SIGACT News, 2018 - dl.acm.org
… We survey recent results in computational geometry that fall into this model and that strive
to achieve theThe most basic problems in computational geometry concern point sets in …

[PDF][PDF] Computational geometry column

J O'Rourke - ACM SIGACT News, 1988 - dl.acm.org
the convex hull in three dimensions in O(n log h) time [C1a88], where h is the number of
vertices of thethe input distribution : rather the "expectation is over the random behavior of …

[PDF][PDF] Computational geometry column 9

J O'Rourke - ACM SIGACT News, 1990 - dl.acm.org
… Call the list of the labels in the order in which a … on the boundary of P immobilize the shape
in the plane if any movement of P in the plane causes at least one point of I to penetrate to the

Computational geometry column 51

J O'Rourke - ACM SIGACT News, 2008 - dl.acm.org
The planar analog is well-known and a cornerstone of computational geometry: the interior
The situation for spherical polygons is not so straightforward. There are three complications. …

[PDF][PDF] Computational geometry column 35

J O'rourke - ACM SIGACT News, 1999 - dl.acm.org
… After an early O(n 5) algorithm [OSB85], an O(n 2 log n) algorithm was developed that used
a technique the authors dubbed the continuous Dijskstra method [MMP87]. This simulates …

The computational geometry column

H Edelsbrunner - Bulletin of the EATCS, 1988 - Citeseer
computational geometry in the early 1980's. After merging his and van Leeuwen's list with a
list of Guibas and Stol , and making other updates, he released it to the … , the bibliography is …

[PDF][PDF] The computational geometry column# 2

J O'Rourke - ACM SIGGRAPH Computer Graphics, 1987 - dl.acm.org
… Two of the open problems posed in the first computational geometry column [1] have been
solved . I … The linear-time polygon triangulatio n result I mentioned in [1] has slipped a bit to O(…