The FLS-QR algorithm for adaptive filtering: The case of multichannel signals

MG Bellanger, PA Regalia - Signal Processing, 1991 - Elsevier
MG Bellanger, PA Regalia
Signal Processing, 1991Elsevier
Abstract The Fast Least Squares (FLS) algorithms based on the QR triangular
decomposition of the input signal matrix and developed for the case of one-dimensional (1-
D) signals can be extended to handle the case of multi-dimensional (MD) or multichannel
signals. A particularly simple, flexible and robust approach for K-dimensional signals
consists of running the 1-D algorithm K times.
The Fast Least Squares (FLS) algorithms based on the QR triangular decomposition of the input signal matrix and developed for the case of one-dimensional (1-D) signals can be extended to handle the case of multi-dimensional (MD) or multichannel signals. A particularly simple, flexible and robust approach for K-dimensional signals consists of running the 1-D algorithm K times.
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