The Multi-Dimensional Version of ba xp dx

JB Lasserre, KE Avrachenkov - The American Mathematical …, 2001 - Taylor & Francis
The American Mathematical Monthly, 2001Taylor & Francis
1. INTRODUCTION. Besides its own interest, integration of polynomials over simple sets
such as simplices has important applications. In particular, in most finite element integration
methods ([7, p. 90, p. 175]), the domain of integration is decomposed into elementary cells
and the function is approximated by a polynomial on each cell. The simplex-like elements
(triangles, tetrahedrons,...) are among the most popular type of cells.
1. INTRODUCTION. Besides its own interest, integration of polynomials over simple sets such as simplices has important applications. In particular, in most finite element integration methods ([7, p. 90, p. 175]), the domain of integration is decomposed into elementary cells and the function is approximated by a polynomial on each cell. The simplex-like elements (triangles, tetrahedrons,...) are among the most popular type of cells.
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