[BOOK][B] The syntax and phonology of Cantonese sentence-final particles
SP Law - 1990 - search.proquest.com
… , 'ke' is devoid of meaning, the sentence-final 'ke' is said to … syntactic constructions in
which this particle appears. I will show that in all these structures, 'ke' 33 appears in clause-final …
which this particle appears. I will show that in all these structures, 'ke' 33 appears in clause-final …
The final-over-final condition and particles
T Biberauer - The final-over-final condition: A syntactic universal, 2017 - books.google.com
… containing what appears to be a final Q-particle, ke : … final particles in the C-domain seem
to share the properties that emerged from our consideration of auxiliary and negation particles …
to share the properties that emerged from our consideration of auxiliary and negation particles …
[PDF][PDF] The lexical syntax and lexical semantics of the verb-particle construction
G Ramchand, P Svenonius - Proceedings of WCCFL, 2002 - Citeseer
… If we assume the l-syntax described above, and if we further assume that the particle-headed …
We will be concentrating on these cases here, but see the final section of this paper for a …
We will be concentrating on these cases here, but see the final section of this paper for a …
Sentence‐final particles
A Simpson - The handbook of Chinese linguistics, 2014 - Wiley Online Library
… of syntactic arguments (and one phonological one) that have been brought to bear on the
derivation of clauses containing SFPs, and then revisit the significance of particle clusters …
derivation of clauses containing SFPs, and then revisit the significance of particle clusters …
[PDF][PDF] Sentential word order and the syntax of question particles
LR Bailey - Newcastle Working Papers in Linguistics, 2010 - kar.kent.ac.uk
… to other particles of the same class k. … -final particles in VO languages to be explained while
still maintaining FOFC as a robust principle. It relies on the fact that many of the final particles …
still maintaining FOFC as a robust principle. It relies on the fact that many of the final particles …
[PDF][PDF] Putting our heads together: Towards a syntax of particles
T Biberauer, L Haegeman, A Van Kemenade - Studia Linguistica, 2014 - academia.edu
… of Chinese clause-final particles Paul also postulates a … -final particles which are argued
to be related to the CP layer. She accounts for the rigid ordering of these Mandarin particles on …
to be related to the CP layer. She accounts for the rigid ordering of these Mandarin particles on …
[BOOK][B] Final particles in standard Cantonese: semantic extension and pragmatic inference
RSY Fung - 2000 - search.proquest.com
… However, this use of the particle must necessarily be accompanied by the phrase, K dou
waa “already said.” It is transparent that the reiterating function is conveyed by the phrase dou …
waa “already said.” It is transparent that the reiterating function is conveyed by the phrase dou …
What do quantifier particles do?
A Szabolcsi - Linguistics and Philosophy, 2015 - Springer
… scalar particles, question markers, roots of existential verbs, and so on. I will dub these
particles “quantifier particles.” … m¬k is a world in which Mary runs but Kate does not run, and {m¬…
particles “quantifier particles.” … m¬k is a world in which Mary runs but Kate does not run, and {m¬…
Representing discourse in clausal syntax: The ki particle in Pharasiot Greek
M Bağrıaçık - Journal of Greek Linguistics, 2017 - brill.com
… or a clause-final emphatic particle. The employment of ki in … of ki should be mapped onto
syntax in a dedicated functional … clause-final emphatic particle in different construction types. …
syntax in a dedicated functional … clause-final emphatic particle in different construction types. …
[BOOK][B] Sentence-final focus particles in Cantonese
YKA Law - 2004 - search.proquest.com
… -final particles in general and the two focus particles zaa3 (‘… sentence-final particles is
welldocumented, their syntactic, … 3, I discuss the syntax of Cantonese sentence-final particles in …
welldocumented, their syntactic, … 3, I discuss the syntax of Cantonese sentence-final particles in …