The uniqueness of nonnegative C1-solution for nonlinear differential equations
S Han, Z Duan, L Zhou - Applied mathematics and computation, 2004 - Elsevier
S Han, Z Duan, L Zhou
Applied mathematics and computation, 2004•ElsevierThis paper investigates the uniqueness of solutions with compact supports of a boundary
value problem which comes from the study of asymptotic behavior of blow-up solution of the
degenerate parabolic system. We obtain the estimates of supports and some numerical
results are given.
value problem which comes from the study of asymptotic behavior of blow-up solution of the
degenerate parabolic system. We obtain the estimates of supports and some numerical
results are given.
This paper investigates the uniqueness of solutions with compact supports of a boundary value problem which comes from the study of asymptotic behavior of blow-up solution of the degenerate parabolic system. We obtain the estimates of supports and some numerical results are given.
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