Clouds and the Earth's Radiant Energy System (CERES): algorithm overview

…, BR Barkstrom, BA Baum, TP Charlock… - … on Geoscience and …, 1998 -
The Clouds and the Earth's Radiant Energy System (CERES) is part of NASA's Earth Observing
System (EOS), CERES objectives include the following. (1) For climate change analysis, …

Improvements of top‐of‐atmosphere and surface irradiance computations with CALIPSO‐, CloudSat‐, and MODIS‐derived cloud and aerosol properties

…, BA Wielicki, DM Winker, TP Charlock… - Journal of …, 2011 - Wiley Online Library
One year of instantaneous top‐of‐atmosphere (TOA) and surface shortwave and longwave
irradiances are computed using cloud and aerosol properties derived from instruments on …

A parameterization of ocean surface albedo

Z Jin, TP Charlock, WL Smith Jr… - Geophysical research …, 2004 - Wiley Online Library
Measurements at a sea platform show that the ocean surface albedo is highly variable and
is sensitive to four physical parameters: solar zenith angle, wind speed, transmission by …

The albedo field and cloud radiative forcing produced by a general circulation model with internally generated cloud optics

TP Charlock, V Ramanathan - Journal of Atmospheric …, 1985 -
A spectral general circulation model (GCM) is run for perpetual January with fixed sea surface
temperature conditions. It has internally generated, variable cloud optical properties as …

Analytical solution of radiative transfer in the coupled atmosphere–ocean system with a rough surface

Z Jin, TP Charlock, K Rutledge, K Stamnes, Y Wang - Applied optics, 2006 -
Using the computationally efficient discrete-ordinate method, we present an analytical
solution for radiative transfer in the coupled atmosphere–ocean system with a rough air–water …

Snow optical properties for different particle shapes with application to snow grain size retrieval and MODIS/CERES radiance comparison over Antarctica

Z Jin, TP Charlock, P Yang, Y Xie, W Miller - Remote Sensing of …, 2008 - Elsevier
We investigated the single scattering optical properties of snow for different ice particle shapes
and degrees of microscopic scale roughness. These optical properties were implemented …

The CERES/ARM/GEWEX Experiment (CAGEX) for the retrieval of radiative fluxes with satellite data

TP Charlock, TL Alberta - Bulletin of the American …, 1996 -
Results from a temporally intensive, limited area, radiative transfer model experiment are on-line
for investigating the vertical profile of shortwave and longwave radiative fluxes from the …

Computation of domain-averaged irradiance using satellite-derived cloud properties

S Kato, FG Rose, TP Charlock - Journal of Atmospheric and …, 2005 -
The respective errors caused by the gamma-weighted two-stream approximation and the
effective thickness approximation for computing the domain-averaged broadband shortwave …

Determination of the thermal offset of the Eppley precision spectral pyranometer

…, S Kato, AM Smith, CK Rutledge, TP Charlock… - Applied …, 2001 -
Eppley’s precision spectral pyranometer (PSP) is used in networks around the world to
measure downwelling diffuse and global solar irradiance at the surface of the Earth. In recent …

Cloud optical feedback and climate stability in a radiative‐convective model1

TP Charlock - Tellus, 1982 - Wiley Online Library
A globally averaged, one‐dimensional radiative‐convective climate model is used to study
the effect of clouds on both the climate and the sensitivity of climate to changes in incoming …