Towards online characterization of autonomously navigating robots in unstructured environments

JN Twigg, JM Gregory, JR Fink - 2016 IEEE/RSJ International …, 2016 -
2016 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and …,
Autonomous platforms are confronted by a diversity of challenges in unstructured
environments, which make monitoring performance a non-trivial task. Some of these
environments are so complex that they preclude persistent, nearby operator oversight. This
absence of oversight motivates the need for an online monitoring system, specifically for
robots operating in difficult environments. We develop a test methodology and set of online
monitoring metrics by extending methods for characterizing robotic-systems using offline …
Autonomous platforms are confronted by a diversity of challenges in unstructured environments, which make monitoring performance a non-trivial task. Some of these environments are so complex that they preclude persistent, nearby operator oversight. This absence of oversight motivates the need for an online monitoring system, specifically for robots operating in difficult environments. We develop a test methodology and set of online monitoring metrics by extending methods for characterizing robotic-systems using offline metrics. We implement this test methodology in an unstructured, outdoor environment and show the resulting performance information gained from our online monitoring solution. This online monitoring approach is generalizable such that it characterizes any robotic system that meets our set of hardware and software criteria.
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