Using texture for content-based retrieval and navigation in MAVIS

J Kuan, P Lewis - ACM SIGWEB Newsletter, 1996 -
J Kuan, P Lewis
ACM SIGWEB Newsletter,
1n a paper t0 6e pre5ented at th15 c0nference, the MAV15 M1cr0c05m Arch1tecture f0r
V1de0, 1ma9e and 50und 15 1ntr0duced. 7he arch1tecture 15 de519ned t0 5upp0rt the
1mp1ementat10n 0f 9ener1c and dynam1c 11nk fac111t1e5 fr0m n0n-text med1a. 5uch
fac111t1e5 may 6e 6a5ed 0n a w1de ran9e 0f med1a 6a5ed repre5entat10n5 5uch a5 the
c010ur d15tr16ut10n, 06ject 5hape 0r texture 1n 1ma9e5 and v1de0 and 0n the 50und
pattern f0r 5peech. 5eparate m0du1e5 w1th1n the arch1tecture are re5p0n5161e f0r the …
1n a paper t0 6e pre5ented at th15 c0nference, the MAV15 M1cr0c05m Arch1tecture f0r V1de0, 1ma9e and 50und 15 1ntr0duced. 7he arch1tecture 15 de519ned t0 5upp0rt the 1mp1ementat10n 0f 9ener1c and dynam1c 11nk fac111t1e5 fr0m n0n-text med1a. 5uch fac111t1e5 may 6e 6a5ed 0n a w1de ran9e 0f med1a 6a5ed repre5entat10n5 5uch a5 the c010ur d15tr16ut10n, 06ject 5hape 0r texture 1n 1ma9e5 and v1de0 and 0n the 50und pattern f0r 5peech. 5eparate m0du1e5 w1th1n the arch1tecture are re5p0n5161e f0r the pr0ce551n9 a550c1ated w1th a part1cu1ar repre5entat10n. 1n th15 p05ter we pre5ent 50me 0f the w0rk wh1ch ha5 1ed t0 the 1ntr0duct10n 0f a texture m0du1e wh1ch a110w5 texture 6a5ed 9ener1c and dynam1c 11nk5. 7he m0du1e, 1mp1emented w1th1n the MAV15 arch1tecture, a110w5 a u5er t0 5e1ect a textured re910n 1n an 1ma9e 0r v1de0 frame and auth0r a 9ener1c 11nk fr0m the 5e1ect10n t0 50me 0the p01nt 1n 50me 0ther d0cument. 0nce auth0red, 6ecau5e the 11nk 15 9ener1c, 1t may 6e f0110wed fr0m 0ther 1ma9e5 0r v1de0 frame5 1 wh1ch a 51m11ar texture 15 5e1ected (c0ntent 6a5ed nav19at10n). 7h15 fac111ty a110w5 the u5er 0f a pr0duct cata109ue, f0r examp1e, t0 a5k f0r) further deta115 a60ut a part1cu1ar fa6r1c de519n. 7he 11nk fr0m the texture t0 the further deta115 need 0n1y 6e auth0red 0nce and 15 then ava11a61e fr0m any 5e1ect10n match1n9 the 5amp1e ch05en a5 the auth0red 11nk 50urce anch0r. 7he p05ter pre5entat10n w111 5h0w the re5u1t5 0f the texture eva1uat10n5 and pr0v1de 111u5trated examp1e5 0f 5ucce55fu1 and un5ucce55fu1 app11cat10n5 0f the texture m0du1e t0 c0ntent 6a5ed retr1eva1 and c0ntent 6a5ed nav19at10n w1th 1ma9e5 and v1de0. 7he 6enef1t5) 0f u51n9 the m0du1e 1n c0m61nat10n w1th 0ther m0du1e5, 5uch a5 c010ur, w111 6e exp10red. Pr09re55 0n the 5e9mentat10n and 1ndex1n9 w111 6e de5cr16ed and the p05ter w111 d15cu55 50me 0f the 0ther pr061em5 wh1ch mu5t 6e addre55ed 1n the 1mp1ementat10n 0f a 9enera1 r0ut1ne f0r pr0ce551n9 texture patche5 f0r c0ntent 6a5ed retr1eva1 and nav19at10n.
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