[BOOK][B] Validation of stochastic systems: a guide to current research

C Baier, BR Haverkort, H Hermanns, JP Katoen… - 2004 - Springer
… to you this tutorial volume entitled Validation of Stochastic Systems . It is one of the
results of the Dutch-German bilateral cooperation project “Validation of Stochastic Systems”(VOSS), …

Framework for convergence and validation of stochastic uncertainty quantification and relationship to deterministic verification and validation

SM Mousaviraad, W He, M Diez… - International Journal for …, 2013 - dl.begellhouse.com
… and validation of UQ results and the relationship between CFD deterministic V&V and
stochastic UQ … A framework is described that can be used for the convergence and validation of …

Discrete stochastic arithmetic for validating results of numerical software

J Vignes - Numerical Algorithms, 2004 - Springer
… The stochastic order relations of the DSA are presented. The DSA is the joint use of the
synchronous implementation of the CESTAC method and the stochastic order relations. After …

A method for the validation of predictive computations using a stochastic approach

M Pellissetti, R Ghanem - J. Offshore Mech …, 2004 - asmedigitalcollection.asme.org
… the behavior of mechanical systems with randomly fluctuating … predictions with respect to the
stochastic properties is analyzed, … in the representation of the stochastic property. Numerical …

[BOOK][B] Assessing the reliability of complex models: mathematical and statistical foundations of verification, validation, and uncertainty quantification

National Research Council, Division on Engineering… - 2012 - books.google.com
validation and prediction methodologies. In such a test some validation data are withheld
from the validation … observed for the physical systems used in the validation process, compare …

[PDF][PDF] Stochastic parametric system identification approach for validation of finite element models: industrial Applications

AA Kasimzade, S Tuhta - TWMS Jour. Pure Appl. Math, 2012 - academia.edu
stochastic parametric system parameters identification approach with taking into account the
aliasing problem for validation … It was shown that, existing algorithms for extracting system

Models, Verification, Validation, Identification and Stochastic Eigenvalue Problems

S Adhikari - Mechanical Vibration: Where do we Stand?, 2007 - Springer
… In general it is not possible to experimentally validate a model over the entire domain of
its scope of application. The model should predict the response well beyond its validation

[HTML][HTML] Description and validation of the Moorepark dairy system model

L Shalloo, P Dillon, M Rath, M Wallace - Journal of Dairy science, 2004 - Elsevier
… the Moorepark Dairy System Model (MDSM). The unique aspect of this model is the use
of budgetary simulation and stochastic modeling of a milk production system. The budgetary …

Validation of the wind erosion stochastic simulator (WESS) and the revised wind erosion equation (RWEQ) for single events

RS Van Pelt, TM Zobeck, KN Potter, JE Stout… - … Modelling & Software, 2004 - Elsevier
The wind erosion stochastic simulator (WESS) is a single event wind erosion model that is
the core of the wind erosion submodel of the environmental policy integrated climate (EPIC) …

Validation of stochastic traffic flow model with microscopic traffic simulation

KC Chu, L Yang, R Saigal… - 2011 IEEE International …, 2011 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
… is to present the stochastic traffic flow model and its detailed validation by a … stochastic
model, and the third section is about the modelling and calibration of the simulation. Validation