World megatrend of intelligent robotics and AI: Impact on VLSI-DAT

RC Luo - 2017 International Symposium on VLSI Technology …, 2017 -
RC Luo
2017 International Symposium on VLSI Technology, Systems and …,
The recent report from CITI Group stated that there are 10 disruptive innovation and
technology in which robotics and digital economy are included. As the society facing the
reality of aging and the industry encountered increased salary/wage levels as well as lack of
skilled labors, the need of robots become obvious. Service robotics is finally emerging as a
commercial technology after decades of focused R&D. Robots at last have begun moving
from shop floors to homes, offices, hospitals, museums, and other public places. The …
The recent report from CITI Group stated that there are 10 disruptive innovation and technology in which robotics and digital economy are included. As the society facing the reality of aging and the industry encountered increased salary/wage levels as well as lack of skilled labors, the need of robots become obvious. Service robotics is finally emerging as a commercial technology after decades of focused R&D. Robots at last have begun moving from shop floors to homes, offices, hospitals, museums, and other public places. The demand for world robots is $ 33,600 million US dollar by the year of 2020. The compound growth rate will be 20%. Apple, Amazon and Google are investing in intelligent robotics technology. Others are likely to follow, further to stimulate investment and innovation.