The FzCoP starts an operation at T1 instant, commanded by the signal debut that
passes to 1. At T2 instant, it finishes requested operation acknowledging it by means of
the signal fin that passes to 1. The simulated variable bit_resultat represents the binary
value contrary to the variable resultat that is a real number result (see the numeric
representations of these variables at T2 instant on the Figure 7).
The overall system architecture is simple, including three hardware units: the host
uP, the FzCoP core described here and an external RAM.
Taking the FzIfr-DB RAM out of the FzCoP makes its implementation simpler and
cost saving. First, the entire FzCoP design is surface efficient and can be logged on
inexpensive, commercially available FPGA chips. Furthermore, it is not problematical to
tune up the RAM capacity in function of the fuzzy rules and database complexity the user
application has to match. And the last, the host to RAM interface allows the using of an
external single-port RAM instead of more complex double-port RAM.
Modern FPGAs with incorporated blocks of RAM offer other option making this
approach even practical.
Adopted solution makes constructive the FzCoP use in real-time applications with
embedded processor in place of software implementations of the fuzzy logic.
Special thanks to S. Mannoubi for the help in preparing and testing a set of VHDL
code examples.
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