Maplewood High School

Maplewood Weekly Bulletin

Click the link above for:

  • This week at Maplewood
  • Weekly Menus
  • Upcoming Events

Virtual Workshop Opportunity

After School Leisure Program

After School LPUse this link to complete the registration form for the Virtual program

Use this link to complete the registration form for the In-Person program

OT/PT Parent/Caregiver Sessions

Use the link above to access the TDSB OT/PT Public Website to get information on the TDSB OT/PT Services parent/caregiver sessions. These sessions are opportunities for parents or caregivers to learn something new, connect with our team, and connect with other parents and caregivers with children who attend TDSB ISP-DD/DK/PD classes.



Developmental Disabilities Virtual Connect

These virtual events will be happening monthly organized by TDSB Social Workers.

Important Dates & Info

Looking to transition to work?


Project SEARCH Toronto is a unique transition to work program for students with disabilities. Students participate in classroom workplace life skills education and complete 3 COOP work experiences at UHN Toronto Rehab and Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital.


  • 18 years old
  • entering final year of high school in the 2024/25 school year
  • have a primary identification of an intellectual or developmental disability on their IEP
  • motivated to work full time or part-time 20 hours a week or more after finishing high school
  • able to communicate in a workplace setting

For full information, please see the flyer HERE



Donations to Maplewood High School

donate button


TDSB Discovery - School Selection Made Easy

Welcome to our specialized learning community, providing a safe and nurturing environment for students with unique needs. With just 140 students, we offer small classes with a challenging, friendly atmosphere of mutual respect. Our caring teachers and support staff help our students become contributing members of society through our focus on responsibility, skill development and employability skills. Our school motto is "The three Rs; respect for self, respect for others and taking responsibility." We focus on helping students transition to independence or work.

Technology in our School


With technology being a large part of our everyday life, a reminder about personal safety: never send an image of yourself, another person, or a group over the internet (including social media apps) without having the permission (approval) of the people in the image.  

Staff at Maplewood are happy to help our student and parent/guardian community, should they have any questions about online codes of conduct.  



Virtual Drop-in & Resources

TDSB has provided a wealth of resources to support Mental Health & Well-Being during COVID-19.  Please also see the virutal drop-in hours for parents/caregivers below.





Please listen to the School Messenger call-outs and check your emails (if you have provided one to the school).  The school will be updating you on a regular basis as the TDSB and the Ministry develop strategies for home learning.


Leslie Ann Klinger - Principal

Andaluza Nagy - Vice-Principal

Shelly Turner - Office Admin