Lord Krishna Quotes will enlighten you to do your Karma regardless of expectations and uplift your life, love, and consciousness. He is the 8th Avatar of Lord Vishnu in the Dashavatara. In the Mahabharata war, he had shown his Virata Swaroopa to Arjuna. This Virat Swaroopa is the only form of ultimate God as per the Vaishnava Traditions. The book Bhagavad Gita always inspires people to take up risks and get high rewards without any expectations. Here are 18 Lord Krishna Quotes that will immerse you in self-love and optimism.
Meanwhile, you can also read Bhagavad Gita from here directly.
Elevate your life with these inspiring quotes. Keep updated with Scientific Monk for new Krishna quotes.
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Krishna Quotes on love.
1. The only way you can conquer me is via love, and there I am happily conquered.
Lord Krishna
Download this Krishna quote in English with the image by clicking here.

2. The day we surrender ourselves completly to Krishna, he will accept our proposal of love.
Lord Krishna
Get this Krishna Quote from here.

3. He who has no attachments may definitely love others, for his love is pure and heavenly.
Lord Krishna.
You can also read Maa Durga Quotes in English.
Download this Krishna quote on love and trust from here.

4. The most wonderful elements on this planet can’t be viewed or listened to but must be felt with the heart
Lord Krishna
Get this wonderful Krishna quote from here.

5. I have come to You without Me. Come to Me without You!
Lord Krishna
You can also Read Lord Shiva’s Quotes.
Get this Krishna Arjuna quote on friendship by clicking here.

6. Pleasure is achieved by reducing your desires
Lord Krishna
Here are Lord Rama’s Quotes in English.
You can get this image of Krishna’s quote from here.

Best lord Krishna Quotes on Life.
You can use quotes from lord Krishna on life, love, wisdom, etc. in your Whatsapp status/ Facebook story too. These inspiring Krishna quotes will help people in need to get rid of difficult times. The word of god is the most powerful tool in the world as they inspire you to be motivated in life. Here are a few more quotes from Krishna on life.
7. Do not let your heart be troubled. Trust in Krishna
Lord Krishna
You can get this Bhagavat Gita quote from here.

8. Do everything you have to do, but not with ego, not with lust, not with envy but with love, compassion, humility and devotion.
Lord Krishna
Download this devotional lord Krishna quote.

9. Happiness is a state of mind that has nothing to do with the external world
Lord Krishna
You may also be interested in Devi Quotes in English.

Krishna Quotes from Bhagavat Gita
Krishna is considered a param avatar however, Vaishnavites consider him to be the supreme god. These quotes are from texts which you can read to get the best inspiration. Here are a few quotes from Krishna for your soul.
1. For one who has conquered his mind, a mind is best of friends, but for one who has failed to do so, a mind is the greatest enemy.
Lord Krishna
2. Change is the law of the world. In a Moment you become the owner of millions, In the other you become penniless
Lord Krishna
3. When a person responds to the joys and sorrows of others as if they were his own, he has attained the highest state of spiritual union
Lord Krishna
5. Work not for a reward, but never cease to do thy work . When thy work is worship, result is bound to come
Lord Krishna
Here are the best Goddess Laxmi Quotes for fortune.

Krishna Lord Quotes.
“Faith in Krishna is the best and safest course”
“A man is made by his beliefs. As he believes. So he becomes”
Lord Krishna
“Do everything you have to do, but not with ego, not with lust, not with envy but with love, compassion, humility, and devotion.”
Lord Krishna
“Your consciousness is an action of Karma and hence karma yoga can balance your actions”
Lord Krishna
Quotation on Krishna
Bhakti on Lord Krishna is the best way to achieve enligtenment.
Scientific Monk
Krishna is pure and eternal form of universe manifested on Earth.
Scientific Monk
Krishna is the manifestation of consciousness and hence I pray to him to achieve divine wisdom.
Scientific Monk
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Scientific Monk will bring you more quotes in the upcoming days. Keep updated with us.