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Jose Machado

Prof. Jose Machado

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Jose Machado is Associate Professor with Habilitation of the Department of Informatics, School of Engineering, University of Minho. He has been at the University of Minho since 1988. He received his PhD in Computer Science in 2002 and his Habilitation in 2011. He teaches and has taught more than 50 curricular units in the topics of databases, artificial intelligence, knowledge engineering, intelligent systems, medical informatics, computer science for law and informatics in different and related fields of computer engineering. He has taught short courses in Angola at the Catholic University and at the Military Technical Institute. He has always prioritized work in scientific R&D groups geared towards applications in industrial domains and public services, in particular courts, hospitals and city councils. He has participated in dozens of publicly funded projects through FCT, the European Community or through the provision of services to the Community. He is one of the authors of the AIDA platform (Agency for Interoperation, Dissemination and Medical Information Archives), currently operating in several hospitals in Portugal. The AIDA platform is an example of the success of the strategy followed in terms of technology transfer from the University to abroad, having received several national prizes (Hospital of the Future 2007, 2008, and 2009; Good Practices in Health 2014; Portugal Digital Awards 2016).

Research Keywords & Expertise

artificial intelligenc...
Biomedical Informatics
Data Science
Knowledge Engineering


artificial intelligence
Data Science

Short Biography

Jose Machado is Associate Professor with Habilitation of the Department of Informatics, School of Engineering, University of Minho. He has been at the University of Minho since 1988. He received his PhD in Computer Science in 2002 and his Habilitation in 2011. He teaches and has taught more than 50 curricular units in the topics of databases, artificial intelligence, knowledge engineering, intelligent systems, medical informatics, computer science for law and informatics in different and related fields of computer engineering. He has taught short courses in Angola at the Catholic University and at the Military Technical Institute. He has always prioritized work in scientific R&D groups geared towards applications in industrial domains and public services, in particular courts, hospitals and city councils. He has participated in dozens of publicly funded projects through FCT, the European Community or through the provision of services to the Community. He is one of the authors of the AIDA platform (Agency for Interoperation, Dissemination and Medical Information Archives), currently operating in several hospitals in Portugal. The AIDA platform is an example of the success of the strategy followed in terms of technology transfer from the University to abroad, having received several national prizes (Hospital of the Future 2007, 2008, and 2009; Good Practices in Health 2014; Portugal Digital Awards 2016).