Sporting Classics releases new deer hunting book edited by Jim Casada

The Greatest Deer Hunting Book Ever, edited by Jim Casada, is available now.


A full year of researching, collecting, and reading hundreds of stories and essays, both fiction and nonfiction, underlies the creation of The Greatest Deer Hunting Book Ever.

Edited and compiled by veteran sporting scribe Jim Casada, the book’s 465 pages feature 43 stories from some of America’s most revered authors, among them William Faulkner, Robert Ruark, Theodore Roosevelt, Archibald Rutledge, Gene Hill, Jack O’Connor, Gordon MacQuarrie and dozens of others.

Collectively, these carefully chosen selections open wide the door to literary wonder. As you read these stories, you’ll chuckle, experience the occasional catch in your throat or tear in your eye, and venture afield vicariously with deer hunters/writers who instinctively knew how to take readers to the setting of their tales. In these pages the deer season is always open and the sport’s joys endlessly unfold.

Along with the stories, Casada provides a solid introduction to the book, brief commentary on each selection, biographical vignettes of every contributor, and a bibliographical essay on the literature of deer hunting.

The Greatest Deer Hunting Book Ever is available in a hardbound edition for $40 and a deluxe, numbered edition, limited to 350 copies bound in leather and featuring gilded end sheets and edges, for $70.  Both versions are signed by the editor and are available from him (include $5 shipping) c/o 1250 Yorkdale Drive, Rock Hill, SC 29730 or his website,

Author: Brian Cope

Brian Cope 5200 Borden Rd. Rembert, SC 29128 803-422-7626 [email protected] Brian Cope is a retired U.S. Air Force Combat Communications Specialist and has been writing about the outdoors since 2006. He received a B.A. in English Literature with a Concentration in Writing from the University of South Carolina. He has won numerous awards for his writing, photography, videography, and podcasting. Brian is the editor of Carolina Sportsman Magazine and, and is host of The Sportsman Weekly Podcast.