About ScreenAnarchy

Founded in September of 2004 with a great plan to write about the international, independent and cult film beloved by founder Todd Brown, but largely neglected by the online film community of the time, ScreenAnarchy has gone on to become an industry's leading resource for films from around the globe. ScreenAnarchy is one of the most read film websites in the entire world and has become daily reading for festival programmers, film producers, film buyers, and tens of thousands of fans every day who share Mr. Brown's belief that there's no point in talking about the same five films that every other site in the world is talking about.

"When I founded ScreenAnarchy it was purely a passion project based on my belief that there is no meaningful distinction between so-called arthouse and grindhouse films. What I didn't expect is that I would find thousands of people who agreed with my philosophy and who needed someone to help point the way to the sorts of films they loved which were being neglected by the film community. ScreenAnarchy will remain what it has always been, while at the same time becoming much more. It's an exciting time!" — Todd Brown

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