Take your students by storm by using the SECOORA virtual hurricane classroom – featuring an “eye”-catching poster, hurricane information and activity websites, a hurricane glossary, and classroom activities. COSEE SouthEast, COSEE Gulf of Mexico, North Carolina SeaGrant, South Carolina SeaGrant, and UGA's Marine Extension Service are SECOORA education partners in developing these materials.


Forming Hurricanes Poster

This 36 by 32 inch poster, Forming Hurricanes, brings gusts of excitement to the classroom. Learn about concepts such as causes of hurricanes, hazards associated with hurricanes, and hurricane facts for the southeast Atlantic United States.

To get a full sized printed poster, contact your Sea Grant office:

North Carolina Sea Grant: Terri Hathaway

South Carolina Sea Grant Consortium: Carolyn Robinson

COSEE-SE Education Specialist for Georgia:  Angela Bliss

Florida Sea Grant: Program Assistant

COSEE Gulf of Mexico and The Pier Aquarium.  Contact the Pier Aquarium for shipping and handling charges.

For educators outside of FL, SC, GA and NC, contact the NOAA Outreach Unit: NOAA Outreach Distribution Unit 1305 East-West Hwy. Room 1W524 Silver Spring, MD 20910.

Atlantic Hurricane Tracking Chart         

A chart to track hurricanes in the Atlantic Ocean.

Print out the chart. Monitor the National Hurricane Center for new Atlantic storm advisories. Read the latitude and longitude of the storms from the advisories. Mark the coordinates on the chart. Keep checking the advisories to see how the positions of the storms change with time. Perfect for following up the "Exploring Latitude and Longitude" classroom activity.

Hurricane Glossary: Learn the language of hurricanes

This handy online glossary helps students learn the most common scientific words heard in reference to hurricanes. Includes links to deeper explanations, tables explaining details about hurricane categories, and lists of example hurricanes.

Mind Blowing Hurricane Activities

Hurricane Bingo

Hurricane Bingo is a great game for grades 6 and up. Students will learn hurricane terms in a fun, fast atmosphere. The game can be played independently or in groups.

The Surge of the Storm

The Surge of the Storm

 The Surge of the Storm is a Grades 5-12 classroom activity which poses the question, "How does the storm surge of a hurricane affect the low-lying areas along the coast?" Includes web references and related material.

Make Your Own Anemometer

Watch the wind blow by!

Make Your Own Anemometer is a classroom activity in which students construct and use a simple anemometer (an instrument that meteorologists use to measure wind speed) to investigate wind speed.

Making, Using, and Understanding a Barometer

You can take the pressure!

Making, Using, and Understanding a Barometer is a Grades 6-8 classroom activity which poses the question, "How do scientists use pressure changes to predict the arrival or strengthening of a storm?" Includes web references and related material.

Exploring Latitude and Longitude

North, South, East, and West

Exploring Latitude and Longitude is a Grades 6-8 classroom activity which teaches how to use maps and other geographic representations, tools, and technologies to acquire, process, and report information from a spatial perspective. Includes web references and related material. This is great classroom preparation for using the Atlantic Hurricane Tracking Chart.

 Please direct your comments on this virtual Hurricane Classroom to [email protected].