3 Ways to Let the Holy Spirit Lead You Into All Truth

It’s easy to get led astray.
You may not think so, but it’s true. Over time, influences like friends, co-workers and television can chip away at truths that were already established in your heart through the Word of God.
Suddenly, biblical truths seem “outdated” or “fanatical,” and the opinions of others trump what you once studied to learn.
Could this really happen to you?
Second Timothy 4:3 says it can.
…you guard your heart. John 16:13 says, “When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth, for he will not speak on his own authority, but whatever he hears he will speak, and he will declare to you the things that are to come” (ESV).
You can learn to be led by the Spirit and avoid being swept away by deception. Here are 3 Ways to Let the Holy Spirit Lead You Into All Truth.
Lean Not on Your Own Understanding
Proverbs 3:5-6 (NKJV) tells us one way we allow the Lord to direct our steps is by not leaning on our own understanding to make decisions in life. That goes against the natural grain, but it’s the only safe way to live.
Our own understanding is often led by emotion or limited facts. It’s fickle, ever-changing, and often driven by the opinions of others that sound right in the moment.
The only truth is found in God’s Word. But it’s hard to stand up for the truth if you don’t know it. Too many Christians are ill-equipped to stand for truth.
Pull Down Strongholds
A stronghold is a belief system that is so ingrained in someone, it colours their perception of themselves and those around them. It can come from a cultural norm, a political ideology, religious traditions or even a social movement.
Of strongholds, Andrew Wommack says, “The one who is holding to the stronghold may not wish to be against God in their thinking, but the stronghold is so deeply rooted that they aren’t even aware that they are filtering God’s Truth through the lens of the stronghold. Strongholds allow deception. The fundamental characteristic about deception is that the one who is deceived doesn’t know it. The stronghold has become a part of their approach to life and their approach to Truth. Even Truth must be shaped and filtered to fit the mold of the stronghold.”
We battle strongholds in the spiritual realm through prayer, binding wrong spirits and speaking the Word of God. That’s why 2 Corinthians 10:4-5 says, “For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power to destroy strongholds. We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ” (ESV).
Put God First Place in Your Life
The only surefire way to allow the Holy Spirit to lead you into all truth is to know His voice and hear it louder than any other voice in your life. And the only way to know His still, small voice is to put God first place in your life.
You do this by:
Spending time with Him every day—in His Word and in prayer.
Praying continuously throughout your day.
Remembering to pray in the Holy Spirit! As Kenneth Copeland says, ” When you speak with the tongues of men and angels in love, you can find out anything.”
Seeking Him all week long—not just on Sundays.
Allowing Him to bring correction to your heart.
Being open to hearing from Him on all matters.
Looking in His Word in its entirety for answers.
When you truly desire to allow the Holy Spirit to lead you into all truth—He will. Don’t become so stuck in your ways that you fail to see the truth right in front of you. Be willing to be wrong—be humble and teachable. Then, you will be free from deception and walk in the light of the truth all the days of your life.
Watch Kenneth Copeland teach you how to strengthen your inner man to stay prepared for challenging times.