A cover is missing from this pole.
also asked...
Q. Please provide pole number. If you cannot provide the pole number, please explain why (missing etc).
A. From what I can tell, none of the metal lamp or utility poles along the New Haven Green have any numbers on them whatsoever. There might be a number way up on the street lamp itself, but I can't see that far from standing on the sidewalk, especially during daylight hours. Other municipalities (not sure if they're UI/CLP/other) have complete numbering on every functional electrical utility protruding from the ground. I've seen these as I've traveled around CT lately. They're black stickers with yellow digits that closely resemble a similar number that's commonly seen hammered into the wooden utility poles on most sidewalks around here.
A. From what I can tell, none of the metal lamp or utility poles along the New Haven Green have any numbers on them whatsoever. There might be a number way up on the street lamp itself, but I can't see that far from standing on the sidewalk, especially during daylight hours. Other municipalities (not sure if they're UI/CLP/other) have complete numbering on every functional electrical utility protruding from the ground. I've seen these as I've traveled around CT lately. They're black stickers with yellow digits that closely resemble a similar number that's commonly seen hammered into the wooden utility poles on most sidewalks around here.
Q. Please describe in as much detail as possible the location of the pole (nearest address and cross street are most helpful).
A. At the curb in front of the CTtransit New Haven Sales Outlet at 897 Chapel Street
A. At the curb in front of the CTtransit New Haven Sales Outlet at 897 Chapel Street
City of New Haven (Verified Official)
XYZ (Registered User)
An anonymous SeeClickFix user (Registered User)
An anonymous SeeClickFix user (Registered User)
Look at how many people walk by this on a regular basis, insert garbage into it, and the amount of time for a person to think, "hey, that's open and exposed."
that person doesn't work for New Haven. that person just travels through regularly.
Acknowledged Transportation, Traffic & Parking Department - Signal Superintendent (Verified Official)