White wires are hanging down over the corner of Edgewood Avenue and Howe Street in New Haven. These look like they are connected to some sort of potentially extremely important city communications equipment. They were previously coiled up on a loose hook at the top of the pole. At this moment, I'm waiting on hold for someone at 946-6316 to answer the phone. I will call 911 if there is no answer in the next few minutes, as these are within easy reach of any person walking by. A vehicle could also snag this while turning the corner.
also asked...
Q. This site is not monitored 24hrs a day. Please report a hazardous situation with wires arcing or sparking by calling 911. Other wire concerns can be reported through the non-emergency line at 203-946-6316.
A. This was also reported to 203-946-6316
A. This was also reported to 203-946-6316
City of New Haven (Verified Official)
inhv (Registered User)
XYZ (Registered User)
Closed NHFD Car 39 (Verified Official)
inhv (Registered User)