Purple Carrot Recipes
Purple carrots are especially eye-catching and provide unique health benefits specific to purple fruits and vegetables. All types of carrots are highly nutritious, but purple carrots are especially rich in powerful antioxidants known to fight inflammation and benefit certain health conditions.
All carrots—independent of their color—are packed with a variety of nutrients, such as fiber, potassium, vitamin C, manganese, vitamin A and certain B vitamins. Additionally, they’re relatively low in calories, with 1 cup (128 grams) of raw carrots delivering just 52 calories.
What makes purple carrots nutritionally unique is their content of the antioxidants anthocyanins. Anthocyanins belong to the polyphenol family of antioxidants and are found in purple fruits and vegetables like blackberries, grapes, purple potatoes, purple cabbage, and purple carrots. Anthocyanins help protect your body from oxidative stress, which refers to an imbalance between reactive molecules called free radicals and antioxidants in your body.

VIDEO - Purple Carrot Roll Cake
Sora Machida shows you how to make a roll cake with purple carrots. Ingredients needed are 3 eggs (Separated into egg yolk and white), 40g sugar (20g added to egg white and 20g added to egg yolk), 40mL milk, 60g rice flour, 1 Purple carrot grated, Grapes, drained Greek yoghurt for filling