Ark lost Island Resource Map Guide

This guide features a complete resource map for Ark Lost Island to make it super easy and convenient for you as you farm these resources.

In Ark Lost Island, finding resources can be a difficult task. Resources are scattered throughout the map, and sometimes you find it hard to find the required ones. To tackle this problem, we prepared this comprehensive resource map guide so you can easily find the required resources in Ark Lost Island.

Ark Lost Island Resource Map

Black Pearl

Below you will find some of the best locations to farm Black Pearl in Ark Lost Island.

Location #1: 39.2°, 63.1°

After reaching the coordinates, you will find a big Crater lake with a good amount of black pearl.

Location #2: 27.5°, 54.2°

Once you get to this location, you will see a waterfall. Right behind the upper tier of the waterfall is a cave. Enter the cave towards the end, and you will find another waterfall.

Right under that waterfall, you will find a ton of black pearls. You will also find green crystals in the cave.

Location #3: 43.6°, 14.0°

It is another underwater location. Get to the coordinates underwater, and you will find a cave. Inside the cave, you will find a good amount of black pearls and some other resources.

Location #4: 82.8°, 30.1°

After getting to these coordinates, you will need to get to the bottom of the ocean. At the bottom, you will find a cave system with a decent amount of black pearl and Silica.


Below you will find some of the best locations to farm Cactus sap in Ark Lost Island.

Ark lost Island Resource Map

Location #1: 78.2°, 65.3°

It is a desert location where you can find a lot of cactus sap by moving around.

Location #2: 88.2°, 64.9°

It is another desert location where you can find a lot of cactus sap. All the cactus locations are pretty much close to each other. Just roam around in the desert, and you will find plenty of cactus sap.

Cementing Paste

Below you will find some of the best locations to farm Cementing Paste in Ark Lost Island.

Location #1: 61.5°, 74.6°

To find cementing Paste, you must look for the beaver dams. After getting to the coordinates mentioned above, you will find many beaver dams in the river. Just move along the river to find more dams.

Location #2: 34.6°, 31.5°

After reaching this location, you will find a waterfall. Right from the base of the waterfall, you can collect a good amount of cementing Paste. There is also a cave nearby where you can set up your base.

Location #3: 23.4°, 39.5°

After getting to the above coordinates, you will find a waterfall close to the monkey temple with many beaver dams. Just move along the water to find some good amount of cementing Paste.


Below you will find some of the best locations to farm Chitin in Ark Lost Island.

Location #1: 37.1°, 32.6°

After getting to the up coordinates, you will see a waterfall. The land around it is a great place from where you can farm chitin. You can use megatherium for farming a lot of chitin.


Below you will find some of the best locations to farm Crystals in Ark Lost Island.

Ark lost Island Resource Map

Location #1: 49.4°, 28.3°

After getting to the above coordinates, you will find a lot of crystals.

Location #2: 61.9°, 61.2°

On the southeast coast, you will find a lot of crystals at the coordinates above.

Location #3: 20.2°, 50.6°

At the summit of the northern mountain, you will find some great deposits of crystals at the coordinates given above.

Location #4: 20.8°, 67.5°

The volcano’s peak is a great place where you can farm a good amount of crystals.

Location #5: 30.5°, 52.5°

The best location where you can find the crystals is Snow Cave. You will need to enter the tunnel on the left side after entering the cave to farm a lot of crystals.


Below you will find some of the best locations to farm Gems in Ark Lost Island.

Ark lost Island Resource Map

Location #1: 20.75°, 21.51°

After getting to the above coordinates, you will find a lot of gems on the northwest coast.

Location #2: 47.24°, 25.4°

Head to the coordinates above, and you will get to the Island’s west coast. Here you can find a lot of gems by exploring the area surrounding the coordinates given above.

Location #3: 23.17°, 77.04°

Once you get to the above coordinates, you will see some ponds, which are a great source for you to farm the gems in Ark lost Island.

Location #4: 55.6°, 70.8°

These coordinates will take you to a cave, and inside this cave, you can farm a good amount of blue gems.


Below you will find some of the best locations to farm Metal in Ark Lost Island.

Location #1: 60°, 60°

These coordinates will take you to the top of the mountain, from where you can farm a lot of metal nodes.

Location #2: 89°, 70°

In the desert biome, you can find a lot of metal nodes in the area around the mountains. This spot is the best spot from where you can farm some good metal nodes.

Location #3: 38°, 38°

These coordinates are close to the snowy mountains, where you can find a decent amount of metal nodes.

Location #4: 21.7°, 45.7°

These are the coordinates of the metal mountain right in the middle of the map. It is a great location to farm a lot of metal nodes.

Location #5: 23.3°, 59.8°

Go to the coordinates below, and you will find many metal nodes in the Volcanic area.


Below you will find some of the best locations to farm Obsidian in Ark Lost Island.

Location #1: 3°, 4°

The first location where you can farm Obsidian is Kortez Narrow. It is a volcanic area close to the river.

Location #2: 8°, 1°

Another good location to farm obsidian is Corsair Ridge. You can farm some obsidian here quite easily but watch out for Argys as they can interrupt you.

Location #3: 4°, 1°

The above coordinates will take you to Gloom Grove cave, where you can farm a good amount of obsidian in Ark Lost Island.

Location #4: 7°, 5°

Go to the coordinates mentioned above in the Blue Obelisk to easily farm a lot of obsidian.

Location #5: 27°, 33°

Again in the Blue Obelisk, you can farm a lot of obsidian without facing any danger if you go to the coordinates above.


Below you will find some of the best locations to farm Oil in Ark Lost Island.

Location #1: 31.5°, 24°

Once you get to these coordinates, you will find a lot of oil veins under the lake. The veins are close, so you have to move a little around.

Location #2: 12.0°, 43.1°

Close to the Sunken Shipwreck, you will find some oil veins to farm Oil in Ark Lost Island.

Location #3: 66.7°, 12.2°

On the southwestern edge of the Island, you will find another spot from where you can farm Oil.

Location #4: 33.5°, 70.0°

These coordinates will take you to black water lake. You can farm some oil by drilling the stone close to the lake.

Location #5: 77.9°, 60.2°

These coordinates will take you to a desert area where you can find a lot of oil pumps and some oil veins, as well as where you can set up an oil pump.


Below you will find some of the best locations to farm Polymer in Ark Lost Island.

Location #1: 28.9°, 60.7°

You must enter the cave under the volcano to farm a ton of organic polymer from here.

Location #2: 88.4°, 47.3°

It is a desert area where you can find many praying mantes. You can get here on Giga and chop all the mantis nearby to farm a good amount of polymer.

Location #3: 32.6°, 51.8°

It is a location of a lake at the top of the mountains. Here you will find a lot of penguins, and taking them out can give you a lot of organic polymers.

Location #4: 42.1°, 33.5°

It is another great spot where you can find a lot of Penguins. Take out these penguins to farm some organic polymers for you.


Below is the resource map to farm Silica in Ark Lost Island.

Location #1: 35.4°, 88°

Get to the coordinates given up, and you will find many silica pearls underwater.

Location #2: 11.9°, 43.1°

Get to these coordinates underwater and find a rock formation. Just beneath the formation, you will find Silica.

Location #3: 64.4°, 75.9°

Once you get to the coordinates above, you will find a lot of Silica Pearls inside the Sea. You can easily spot them from the outside as plenty of them exist.

Location #4: 85.1°, 87.3°

These coordinates will take you to a lake from where you can farm a good amount of Silica pearls.


Below you will find some of the best locations to farm Silk in Ark Lost Island.

Location #1: 49.3°, 61.9°

To get the silk, you have to go to the coordinates above and search the area around it, and you will see a lot of Silk plants.

Location #2: 78.2°, 65.3°

After reaching the coordinates above, you can kill Lymantria and harvest silk.

Location #3: 78.0°, 41.3°

You can go to the coordinates above if looking for silk plants to farm. There you will find good numbers of Silk Plants.


Below is the resource map to farm Sulphur in Ark Lost Island.

Location #1: 24.3°, 59.5°

You will find a great spot to farm sulfur crystals near the lava river. Avoid wyvern, and you can farm a lot of sulfur from here.

Location #2: 64.3°, 49.5°

Again a Volcanic area where you can farm a lot of sulfur. You can also try to find this resource in the other volcanic and mountain areas.

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Arslan Shah is junior editor at, a video games addict with more than a decade spent honing the craft. He is a roleplaying video games enthusiast and loves a good story driven RPG.
