150+ Classes in 13 Florida Cities
- In-Person Training & Exam in Florida
- Private On-Site ServSafe Classes
- Online Renewal Exam in all 50 States
- Responsible Vendor of Alcohol Training

Professional Food Manager Certification
4-hour review class followed by the ServSafe food managers certification examination in any one of our 13 Florida locations. Our low rates include everything you need: the pre- course study material, the review class, the exam (National Registry or ServSafe managers test) and the Certificate!

Online Certification | State Of Florida
SafeStaff Food Handler
This FL. SafeStaff course is approved for use in the State of Florida.
The on-line course and quiz takes approximately 1.5 hours to complete and, upon successful completion of the training, it provides the trainee with a downloadable certificate and handler card. This course is specific to hourly BOH/FOH staff.
Florida statute FL. S~509.049 requires food handlers to obtain their card within 30 days of hire and this online course fulfills this requirement.
Alcohol Training | State Of Florida
Responsible Vendor of
Alcohol Training
Serve It Up Safe! offers the Responsible Vendor of Alcohol training, and this act is a “tri-annual” requirement (it must be completed 3 times/year). Each training class lasts 1-hour.
Our industry exclusive guarantee says that Serve It Up Safe! guarantees that its RVA training will meet all the terms of the FL. Responsible Vendor Act. Ask us for the details.
Complete the form below to obtain pricing and a training appointment or to obtain additional details.

What We Do
Serve It Up Safe! is the First & Only Boutique Food Safety Training Provider That Specializes in Quickly and Efficiently Re-Certifying Florida’s Most Experienced F & B/Hospitality Professionals. Our Students Are Awarded the CPFM (Certified Prof. Food Mgr) Certificates That Satisfy FL. Statute 509.039 And We Do So In The Most Enjoyable & Least Amount Of Time Compared To Any Other ServSafe Provider, By Far and Bar None!!

Servsafe Manager Certification
Classroom Training
& Certification

Responsible Vendor