Seton Hill University celebrated its centennial year in 2018 with its 100th graduating class. This year was the Setonian’s turn to celebrate this milestone with its 100th year of publication. In honor of the Setonian’s centennial, the Setonian staff compiled a list of 100 different things that make SHU the place it is today.
The list ranges from SHU’s identity to its buildings to its traditions held each year. There are also some more amusing aspects included about scenarios that many SHU students can relate to (everyone has struggled to find a parking spot on campus at some point).
There are many aspects of SHU that make it the place it is today. Not everything could be included on this list, but here are 100 of the many features that SHU has to offer.
1. Identity

2.“Hazard Yet Forward”
3. Elizabeth Ann Seton
4. Sisters of Charity
5. Catholic identity
6. The Griffin
7. Red and gold
8. “This Way Up”
9. “Let me hear your Griffin roar!”
10. 100 years
11. Liberal arts education
12. Academics in all areas of study
13. Buildings & Beauty Around Campus
14 The trees lining Seton Hill Drive
15. Architecture like Hogwarts
16. Dining hall
17. The Cove
18. The cemetery
19. The SHUttle
20. The Archives
21. Havey Clock

22. The Garden
23. The tunnels
24. Holocaust Center
25. Parlors
26. The bright pastel colors of Cecilian Hall
27. Caritas Christi
28. The empty pool
29. The rumored sixth floor of Admin
30. Student Life
31. Athletics
32. Griffin Guides
33. SHGA
34. Seton Hill Programming Board
35. The Setonian
36. Eye Contact
37. Therapy dogs
38. Study abroad trips
39. Rumors of ghosts on campus
40. Ghost tours
41. Intramural sports
42. Sherri Ventrone waiting at the front desk with a smile
43. Driving down the hill after a long day of class
44. Traditions

45. Welcome Weekend
46. Involvement Fair
47. Pep rallies
48. Target Takeover
49. Christmas on the Hill
50. Tree planting ceremony
51. Crib ceremony
52. Celebration of Writing
53. Mystery Trips
54. Homecoming
55. Lunch with Liz
56. The sod every semester
57. Technology
58. Macbooks
59. Laptop stickers
60. iPads
61. Canvas
62. GriffinGate
64. MySHU
65. Familiar Faces

66. Professors
67. Sister Moe
68. Bill Black
69. President Finger
70. Darren
71. Greensburg
72. Arts Center
73. Performing Arts Center
74. Offutt Field
75. White Rabbit trips
76. Taking photos in the art alley
77. Rialto
78. Walmart runs
79. Relatable SHU Scenarios
80. 2 a.m. study sessions in any possible classroom on campus
81. The smell of (burnt) popcorn and cheap cologne in the dorm halls
82. The sound of bouncing lacrosse balls
83. Turf wars over caf. booths
84. Giving complicated directions to Domino’s delivery drivers

85. Feeling like an animal in a zoo when tours walk by
86. Pausing complaints about school as tours pass
87. RAs who are very enthusiastic about being RAs
88. Brightly colored fliers, all made on Canva, everywhere
89. Weird conversations in Lowe Hallway
90. Having nowhere to eat on campus after 7 p.m. on a Saturday
91. Fire alarms caused by people vaping
92. Not being able to walk 20 feet without someone saying hi to you
93. Cockroaches
94. People catching food on fire in the microwaves
95. False fire alarms
96. Sketchy elevators
97. Swamps created by laundry machines
98. Screaming radiators in main complex dorms
99. Walking the E lot stairs
100. Struggling to find a parking spot
Published By: Stephen Dumnich