Rivers of London by Ben Aaronovitch
We found a Ben Aaronovitch novel in, not surprisingly, London while we were visiting family. It caught my husband's eye. As Harry Potter addicts, how could we resist the Harry Potter grows up and becomes a policeman vibe written on the piece of paper advertising the book? So we bought it, brought it home on the plane, and were hooked. I have to wait for my husband to finish one before I can start, so I'm following the series slowly, and these are the ones I read in 2024 while my broken wrist was keeping me from writing book reviews. Broken Homes by Ben Aaronovitch Peter Grant makes for a great narrator. Sarcastic, cynical, bitingly humorous, fiercely honest and loyal, and frequently out of his depth, he’s the human face of London’s rather secretive magic police. Together with Leslie, who “lost” her face some time ago, a dog that barks at magic, and a boss who feels like a cross between Gandalf, Dumbledore, and a regular police inspector, he investigates and solves mysteries ...