Originally, I was going to put a board across them to make a bench but I think they look cute without it. They seem to create an "entrance" to the side-yard garden. I'm still trying to decide if I want to keep the metal trellis' on the outside of supports to grow a vine of some sort on.
I'd love to know what you think!
I also have to add this to my growing list of things I need a small SUV for! My son thought I should trade in my old one for a little car that got better gas mileage. My reply was, "but how could I carry home things I might find such as wheelbarrows or bark mulch?" His answer was, "well, how often do you carry home a wheelbarrow?"
Check out this cute little one :-)
I found it this spring in an old barn for a bargain price!! If you look closely in the 1st picture above, you can see it's now found a home in my garden planted with flowers and budding cucumbers and a pumpkin vine!