Monstrosity  (2016)

Monstrosity 2.89/5 18 Votes

  |    |    |    |    |  62 Minutes
Monstrosity Technical Specifications Update Details Update Poster


The movie Monstrosity, released in 2016 and directed by Josef Lichtenberger, was shot on Panasonic Lumix DMC-GH4 Camera and Sigma 18-35mm f1.8 DC HSM Lens with Josef Lichtenberger as cinematographer and editing was done on the Adobe Premiere Editing System.
Directed by | Josef Lichtenberger
Cinematography by | Josef Lichtenberger
Lens Manufacturer
Lens Adapters
Animation Method
Capture - Resolution
Post Production Resolution
VFX Tools
Audio Recording
Surround Sound
Distribution Resolution
Distribution Medium
Country | Austria
Language | German
Genres | Thriller

Editing System
Editing Method
Finishing System
Color Management Architecture
Capture - Chroma Subsampling
Capture - Color Encoding
Capture - Codecs & Formats
Capture - Bit Depth
Capture - Digital Recorders
Project Frame Rate
Distributed Frame Rate
Distributed Aspect Ratio
Shooting Regions
Shooting Space
Directed by
Cinematography by
Written by
Produced by
Monstrosity - modified: [166754] [5074602]

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