does anyone have twitter? i would love to follow more blogs! just tell my your name there and i will check it out! my twitter is:
How is everyone doing?
Hi, I’m Lilian. I’m new, and I just created this blog. I’m looking forward to getting to know you guys. :)
Hello. My name Is Morgan. I’m not really sure how groups like this work on Tumblr…. But it’s very nice to meet fellow horror/gore enthusiasts.
Hi guys! I’m Nessa :)
so how is everyone’s day going?
If y’all have a problem with the way Kellie or I run our blogs, please message us privately instead of “subposting” about it, as we have received messages that include language asking us to kill ourselves and telling we don’t deserve to live, etc for said posts.
In the future, be more thoughtful of what you say as people can take things too far.
Now, we have been nothing but nice to all of you guys, but if I have to start being more strict about who I allow into this network, I will. I do not support those actions, nor will I name the person(s) who took part in this, but I will let you know that I will not allow hateful people in this network. If your goal is to hurt people with what you say, please leave. If you’re reading this and you don’t know what I’m talking about, its not towards you.
Thank you,
Kara - Admin of Silent Hill Monsters.
HI, how are you guys?
sup guys I’m hungover ugh
oh. i just figured out this thing. feeling a bit late to the partay.
Today I was looking for a job. Sometimes I participate in events as a camera assistant, or sound engineer, but now always. So I need to find other jobs to survive hahahaha
I’m 20 (soon 21) years old, and I studied Audiovisal comunication for two years :P
Oo, score! Trade jobs with me lol. I'm doing pretty decent today, how're you guys?
Its a pretty great job. Doesn't hurt that my dad is my boss. I forgot to tag that post. Oopsie.
Hey everyone!! How are y’all doing today? :)