How Much Money Can You Save With a 5kW Solar power System Each Year?
The cost of power for a typical residential residence in Cape Town is 330c/kWh. Your 5kW solar system is expected to save you 6,000–8,000 kWh annually, according to our prior estimate.
Your investment reduces your yearly power price by R19,800 to R26,400, as determined by multiplying the electricity cost by the energy saved.
This indicates that you receive a return on your investments between four and six years later. With warranties from manufacturers that may last up to 25 years, you’ll probably start saving money after your sixth year of ownership.

What is the price of a 5 kw solar power in South Africa?
Alright, let’s quickly review. 5 kW of solar power. 20 panels made of polycrystalline. 45 m2 of roof area. 6,000–8,000 kWh of electricity are saved annually. How much will this cost, then?
Our analysis indicates that the price range for a 4kW to 5kW system is between R70,000 and R140,000. We do not advise you to carry this out on your own. Several things, including your safety, are at risk since this is a massive endeavor. To help you bargain with your supplier or contractor, we will nonetheless offer you a general notion of how much the major components cost.
The home’s lighting and a variety of appliances, including the television, laptop, hairdryer, washing machine, dishwasher, kettle, and toaster, are powered by the batteries’ connection to the mains, but not those with more powerful heating components, like the stove, oven, and geyser.
It’s crucial to hire a trustworthy installation that only employs high-quality tools.
After visiting your home to determine your needs, a sales representative gives you an estimate and solar installation. The more lighting and appliances, the greater the system, and the bigger the house