
My grandparents gifted me $500 when I graduated from high school. I purchased camera equipment and my journey as a visual storyteller began…. over 47 years ago. It seems unreal that this amazing journey has covered almost half a century. I don’t feel that ‘old,’ I feel alive with the beauty of everything I have experienced.
Humpback whales, dolphins, sea lions, manatees, mountains, waterfalls, beaches, sea turtles, trees…all of these beings and places have filled me with such awe and wonder. I want to share those experiences with others and help them remember our sacred connection with Nature.

My experiences have been shared in BOOKS, PHOTOGRAPHY and Visual Storytelling. Join me in going deeper, to the place of inner stillness from which we can act with compassion, kindness, and wisdom.
My formal education includes a bachelor’s degree from Auburn University in Outdoor Recreation and Resource Management, a master’s degree from Auburn University at Montgomery in Counseling, and yoga instructor training from Soul School – Wild Lotus Yoga as well as PADI scuba instructor training. Admittedly, the best education I’ve ever received is from traveling and interacting with places, wildlife, and people that live there. And that learning never ends.

In this time of intense and unprecedented change, it is time to call forth our strengths, to share our gifts, to be fully present with all life. Earth is calling us to step forward in love and with commitment to be fully present with It and to create a vision of what life can be with love and respect and compassion for all life.
Let us create a vision of life based on compassion, kindness, love, and peace.

“We are ALL in this together…part of the family of life on Mother Earth. Join me in celebrating our beautiful Planet and in being actively involved in making a positive difference. Dance barefoot on Her….sing to Her…read Her poetry…every single day let this magnificent Planetary Being know you appreciate and love Her.”