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Pick up that cross. | Why did he cross the road? | ||
He was very cross. | He said it very crossly. | ||
- homo + -phobia. IPA (key): /ˌhɒ.məˈfəʊ.bi.ə/ or /ˌhəʊ.məˈfəʊ.bi.ə/ SAMPA: /%hQ.m@"f@U.bI.@/,/%h@U.m@"f@Ub.I@/ A fear of or hating someone who is homosexual...413 bytes (37 words) - 20:30, 24 May 2023
- (key): /ˈnaʊ.ə.deɪz/ SAMPA: /"naU@%deIz/ (informal) Now and recently; in this time. Back then we walked everywhere, but nowadays everyone drives a car. now...353 bytes (28 words) - 11:53, 16 January 2024
- /"taU@/ (US) IPA (key): /ˈtaʊɚ/, SAMPA: /"taU@`/ (UK) IPA (key): /ˈtəʊ.ə(r)/ (person) (countable) A tower is a tall building or structure. (countable) A tower...958 bytes (74 words) - 14:42, 19 November 2021
- (UK) (Canada) IPA (key): /ˌkɒn.tɪˈnjuː.ɪ.ti/ (US) IPA (key): /ˌkɑːn.tɪˈn(j)uː.ə.ti/ Hyphenation: con‧ti‧nu‧i‧ty (countable & uncountable) Continuity is the...427 bytes (43 words) - 03:58, 8 June 2024
- case (adjective and adverb): lower-case (UK) IPA (key): /ˈləʊ.ə(r)ˌkeɪs/, SAMPA: /"l@U(r\)%keIs/ Lowercase is another way of spelling lower case. Something...456 bytes (42 words) - 12:13, 8 October 2024
- (AU) enPR: ou(ə), IPA (key): /æɔ(ə)/, SAMPA: /{O(@)/ (UK) enPR: ouə(r), IPA (key): /aʊə(r)/, SAMPA: /aU@(r\)/ (US) enPR: our, IPA (key): /aʊr/, SAMPA:...627 bytes (64 words) - 22:34, 20 April 2021
- (UK) IPA (key): /tʊˈgɛð.ə(r)/ or /təˈgɛð.ə(r)/, SAMPA: /tU"gED.@(r\)/ or /t@"gED.@(r\)/ (US) IPA (key): /tʊˈgɛðɚ/, SAMPA: /tU"gED@`/ Hyphenation: to‧geth‧er...1 KB (122 words) - 09:18, 10 November 2023
- headwords. Allow is on the Academic Vocabulary List. enPR: ə-lou', IPA (key): /əˈlaʊ/ SAMPA: /@"laU/ If you allow something, you let it happen; you say it's...496 bytes (80 words) - 04:47, 31 October 2024
- (UK) IPA (key): /əˈb(j)uː.lɪə/ (US) IPA (key): /əˈə/ (uncountable) If someone has abulia, they do not have a lot of will power or desire to do things...361 bytes (47 words) - 03:07, 9 January 2021
- (key): /ˈlet.ə/, SAMPA: /"let.@/ (UK) IPA (key): /ˈlɛt.ə/, SAMPA: /"lEt.@/ (US) IPA (key): /ˈlɛt.ɚ/, SAMPA: /"lEt.@`/ (countable) A letter is a symbol which...789 bytes (84 words) - 23:17, 2 August 2024
- /ˌpɪriˈɒdɪk ˈteɪb(ə)l/ or /ˌpɪə-/ (US) IPA (key): /ˌpɪriˈɑdɪk ˈteɪbəl/ Hyphenation: pe‧ri‧od‧ic ta‧ble (chemistry) The periodic table is a chart that has...349 bytes (47 words) - 01:38, 13 June 2020
- silicon (UK) aluminium IPA (key): /ə.ˈlu.mɪ̆.ˌnə̆m/ SAMPA: /@"lumIn@m/ or /@"lum@n@m/ Hyphenation: alu‧mi‧num Aluminum is a metallic (meaning made of metal)...578 bytes (58 words) - 12:16, 23 June 2024
- \longrightarrow } zinc (AU) enPR: kŏ'pə, IPA (key): /ˈkʃɔp.ə/, SAMPA: /"kOp.@/ (UK) enPR: kŏ'pə, IPA (key): /ˈkɒp.ə/, SAMPA: /"kQp.@/ (US) enPR: kä'pər, IPA (key):...1 KB (184 words) - 04:11, 3 October 2024
- IPA (key): /ɔːl.tʊˈgɛð.ə(r)/ or /ɔː.tʊuˈgɛð.ə(r)/ SAMPA: /O:l.tU"gED.@(r)/ or /O:l.tu:"gED.@(r)/ (US) IPA (key): /ɔl.tuˈgɛθ.ɚ/ You use altogether to emphasize...1 KB (194 words) - 01:54, 13 June 2020