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Student Information System | Chicago Public Schools

Quarter 3 Report Card Pick-Up Tracking & Verification in Aspen

Quarter 3 report card pick-up tracking and verification must be completed in Aspen by Monday, April 7th at 5 p.m.

School staff must record report cards picked-up during in-person parent-teacher conferences, or discussed during a parent-teacher virtual conference in Aspen. Report card pick-up tracking in Aspen can be completed by staff with the following Aspen role(s): Principal, Assistant Principal, Grading Coordinator or Status Coordinator; or by Teachers who are associated with a Homeroom.

Principals should also review the Tracking & Verifying In-Person & Virtual Third Quarter (Q3) Report Card Pick-Up guide. Main Office staff should reference the Main Office Report Card Pick-Up in Aspen guide and Teachers, associated with a Homeroom, should reference the Teacher Report Card Pick-Up in Aspen guide.

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