Welcome to the Google Educator's Group of South Florida!

GEGs are independently run communities of educators who inspire and empower each other to meet the needs of students through technology both in the classroom and beyond. Via face to face meet-ups and online activities, GEGs provide a way for educators who are passionate about education and technology to meet like minded people and share, learn, and collaborate together. Want to know more? Sign up here!

GEG SoFla Survey

We would love to get your feedback on the Google Educator Group of South Florida (GEG SoFla), including what you know about the group, how you have been involved, what you have found beneficial, and what support, activities, and resources you would like to see more of. This information will help us to continue to improve GEG SoFla as we plan for the future. Thank you for taking a few minutes to complete this survey

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GEG SoFla events

Join our GEG SoFla Google Group for the latest updates

Have any questions? Send us an email [email protected]

Check out our videos on YouTube!