2024-2026 Program Introduction
The STARTALK Camp at UAB, themed “Exploring Chinese Through Technology and Modern Society,” is structured into two levels: level one for beginners with no prior Chinese knowledge and level two for those who completed level one in 2024, ready to delve deeper into new themes. This program is free, covering meals and snacks throughout the residential summer camp, which spans 7 days with a total of 63 hours of learning on-site.
The curriculum, aligned with STARTALK’s principles, emphasizes a standards-based approach and performance-based assessments. It offers an immersive experience where students explore technology and modern Chinese society, enhancing their language skills in an engaging manner. Participants start with 30 hours of online synchronous learning pre-camp, proceed to the 7-day residential camp at UAB for hands-on learning, and conclude with another 30 hours of online learning post-camp.
By the program’s end, level 1 students are expected to reach at least a Novice-mid to Intermediate-low level of proficiency, while level 2 students aim for an Intermediate low-mid level, in line with ACTFL guidelines. Open to 30 students in grades 9-14, including 20 high school and 10 college students, with a priority given to residents of Alabama. Furthermore, 11th and 12th graders who complete the program have the option to earn 3 college credits. 13th and 14th graders can also gain 3 credits, with 1.5 of these offered for free, providing an additional incentive and benefit for participation in this enriching language and cultural immersion program.

Student Application
Application Qualifications
Rising 9th -14th students in the summer of 2024 are eligible for participation in the program. Applicants must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents. Preference will be given to residents of Alabama. Online learning offers flexibility to accommodate scheduling conflicts. If you can catch up on missed classes by studying the recorded online sessions and complete all assignments on time, you are still eligible to apply.
Application Deadline
November 15, 2024. This application has been concluded, any questions please email us.
Program Cost
The program is tuition-free and includes complimentary camp t-shirts and learning materials. Additionally, meals and snacks will be provided throughout the duration of the summer camp.
Program capacity
The program is open to 30 students due to limited space capacity. Spots will fill quickly so we recommend that you submit your application as early as possible. Admission is based on the dates when we receive the completed applications.
Admission Notification
By December 2, 2024, notifications will be sent to all applicants. Students on the waitlist will also be informed. Students from this list may be accepted into the program at a later date.
Residential Summer Camp
Time | Period | Activity |
8:00-8:30 am | Breakfast | |
8:30-9:15 am | 1 | Language |
9:20-10:05 am | 2 | Language |
10:05-10:25 am | Snack | |
10:25-11:10 am | 3 | Language |
11:15-12:00 pm | 4 | Language |
12:00-1:00 pm | Lunch | |
1:00-1:45 pm | 5 | Lang/Tech |
1:50-2:35 pm | 6 | Lang/Tech |
2:05-2:55 pm | Snack | |
2:55-5:00 pm | 7 | Lang/Crafts |
4:00-5:00 pm | 8 | Lang/Crafts |
5:00-6:00 pm | Dinner | |
6:00-8:00 pm | 9 | Lang/Games |
Summer camp highlights June, 2024
Contact Us
Department of World Languages and Literatures
University Hall, Rm. 3105
1402 10th Avenue, South
Birmingham, AL 35294
(205) 934-4651