A Bun is cookin' in the oven at the Whiting house. This will make
"Bun" #3 and boys are excited to have an addition to our already existing chaos. As tradition goes with my pregnancies I tend to get a little sick (that may be an understatement...I get a lot sick), so IF you haven't already suspected we have been carrying around a
secret now its out in the open. I had my 1st OB/baby check up visit this week and this is our delima: those of you that have been in on our secret know I have been spotting/bleeding sporadically throughout this pregnancy along with being very very sick. In this Dr. visit we were hoping to get answers to the cause of bleeding and being reassured that everything is okay with the baby. Well...first attempts at finding the heartbeat were negative (which was a little devastating for me) they sent me right away to the ultrasound tech there in the office and she did a vag. procedure to get images and attempt to hear the heartbeat...which was an instant success and good news. Heartbeat was very strong and the
baby is growing and developing fine (and we are actually a week further along in the pregnancy than we thought
:) ). BUT, there was a concern that the Dr. later discussed with me...where the placenta has decided to attach and the sight of the bleed is right at my cervix...not the best place for it to be...the concerns = IF we begin bleeding continuous the chances of miscarriage are inevitable....IF I continue to carry this baby with the tear remaining were it is this makes out for a very risky
c-section delivery, the Dr. will have to "make his move very fast" as he will be cutting through more tissues/and in a more dangerous area than usual (Good news is he has done this surgery before on several women and has been successful his words, "it's not easy but we will be successful.")...AND/OR... what we are praying for (and asking all of you to keep us in your prayers) is that as the baby& placenta continue to grow that the sight of the tear will be pushed upward and to the side making surgery/delivery a much better ( and less scary) experience. I have been placed on complete pelvic bed rest and may remain down for the extent of the pregnancy. We are confident in our Dr. and following his guidance to get this baby here healthy and happy. We would appreciate it if you would remember us in your
prayers...and are relying on the Lord to help us(me) keep it together...we got a long 9 months(actually 6 months) ahead of us. We love you guys, Jason, Shanda, & Fam.