Acrid from the Risk of Rain series. The poison doggo, the acid buppy, the caustic canine, I love him. I was rather motivated to make him as a part of my quest to finally start putting together a portfolio of artworks. I gotta say, this month-long project of mine is really the first one I feel like I made the most progress with. All the way from sculpting, to retoplogy, to multires sculpting, baking, texturing, then rigging it, I feel like I’ve come farther than any other thing I created in Blender in regards to character modelling. I still think that the weight painting is absolutely not ready for animation, though. the forearms are not behaving how I want them to. Everything else I could improve on minorly. Heck, if I wanted to go further with rigging, I could imagine Acrid rattling the spines on his back for some secondary animation, that’d look cool, but that’s beyond the scope of what I wanted to do lol. But yeah, I had a lot of fun making Acrid. Took ~12 minutes to render this video in 4K with EEVEE.
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